Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Question Time 2

Here is more Questions, this time for the thirteen Red Cloak Girls
Do you prefer hot or cold weather?
Jenny: I'm fine with either one
Whistler: The cold is better
Jean: The heat, hands down
Helen: I like it best when it's cold out side but warm inside the house.(Not the answer I was looking for.)
Elsa: The cold
Dianna: The cold, It's my peoples natural weather
Lana; The warm weather is so much better
kat: The sunlight, That was one of the options right?
Roza: The cold
Spencer: I don't care
Gena: The cold it makes people act.....different
Meg: It doesn't matter to me
Janet: cold

How do you handle wind?
Jenny: It doesn't bother me
Whistler: It so nice
Jean: Meh
Helen: I hate it, It blows away all my stuff
Elsa: Hate it
Dianna: I guess I like it
Lana; Uh badly
kat: NO...NO WIND
Roza: It awesome
Spencer: Don't like it, bugs my guest
Gena:I would prefer to avoid it
Meg: Why does it matter?
Janet: Despise it

Snow or rain?
Jenny: Snow, it's more fun
Whistler: Can I go neither(NO) Fine snow
Jean: Rain
Helen: Snow, it's more magic like
Elsa: Rain 
Dianna: Snow, Like I said my people like the cold
Lana; Snow
kat: Neither their both horrible(OK i'll go with that)
Roza: Um...Snow?
Spencer: Rain it's over faster
Gena: Snow it's easier to track people
Meg: Snow it doesn't bug me as much
Janet: Rain I..uh..love the sound

What is your favorite season?
Jenny: Spring
Whistler: Winter
Jean: Fall
Helen: Spring
Elsa: Summer
Dianna: Winter
Lana; Fall
kat: Summer
Roza: Spring
Spencer: Fall
Gena: Spring
Meg: Fall

Where would you prefer to be during a thunder storm?
Jenny: Home with my family
Whistler: On my ship
Jean: Out side enjoying it
Helen: By a window, where I can see the storm, well I read a book
Elsa: Inside watching a horror movie
Dianna: Outside where it's cold
Lana; Inside with my sister enjoying the sound
kat: Some where I can't see or hear the storm
Roza: Curled up in a blanket with the lights out
Spencer: Inside passing out hot coco to my guest
Gena: Out solving a case, It adds a dramatic factor
Meg: Inside watching musicales
Janet: Out driving in the rain

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