Kevin exited the Milky-Way. They had just landed, on what was supposed to be a empty planet. They had picked up a distress call tho. And Whistler had instead, on them checking it out. The team was still on the ship, getting ready to investigate the planet. Kevin without thinking, started to walk around. The sky was filled with color, as the green sun started to set. Kevin stood for while watching the stars. Moments like this made Kevin understand, why Whistler loved space so much.
“Beautiful is it?”
Kevin turned to see that Whistler, had joined him.
“Can you two stop stargazing. And help us.”
The two of them turned to see Charlie, and Hunter carrying some backpacks. Kevin and Whistler, helped them with the bags. As Lacey showed up with her drone. That flew over their heads, as it scanned the surrounding area.
Hunter yelled, and a few seconds later, his quarter horse, came out of the star ship. Oklahoma didn’t even slow down, as he passed Hunter, who jumped on the horse. They both rode off in front of everyone, else but stayed in sight. Charlie pulled out her gun, and checked the chamber.
“Please put that away.”
Charlie glanced over at Whistler, before putting the gun away.
“I just thought, we might need it.”
Whistler just nodded in acknowledgment.
“Hey, I found something!”
The other four picked up their pace, to catch up with Hunter. Who was now standing by his horse. Once they reached Hunter, they could see over the edge of the sand doom. Where they could see, a star ship had crashed, and a small fire burning by the ship.
“Come on!”
Whistler said, as she fastened her mask, and slid down the sand doom. The other followed her lead. At the bottom of the doom, Charlie pulled out the stun guns, and handed them to the other.
“Just in case.”
The other nodded, and stored the guns out of sight. Charlie and Hunter, walked over to the fire. As Whistler and Kevin, checked the ship. And Lucey stood, in the middle of the camp, using the drone to scan the place. A few minutes later, Hunter and Charlie joined Lucey.
“Nothing, the fire has been burning for awhile.”
“Unattended, I have to say.”
Hunter put in.
“We got nothing.”
Whistler said, as Her and Kevin, took their place by their teammates.
“Hey! Put your hands up!”
The four of them turned around, to see a girl and boy standing on the ship. With power rifles, and masked on, covering their faces. Whistler and her crew did as they were told, and put their hands up.
“We picked up your S.O.S call!”
Whistler yelled. The two stranger spoke to each other, in low voice. With the wind picking up, Whistler crew couldn’t make out, what they were saying.
“OK, so what do you want!?!”
The man yelled.
“To help you!”
Kevin yelled in response.
The two stranger moved closer, so they could talk, without yelling. But still pointed their guns, at Whistler’s crew.
“Who are you guys?”
“Whistler, captain of the Milky-Way. And this is my crew.”
Whistler gestured to her crew.
“Were the two last members, of the crew of the Sharpened Blade.”
The woman gestured to the ship, as she spoke. Charlie recognized the name, and the broken sword, painted on the ship.
“We were attacked, and had to land on this planet. And as you have probably seen, our ship can’t start.”
The man said, as he lowered his. His partner turned around, to glare at him.
“What are you doing?”
“The Milky-Way. The ship that guardians the sky.”
“Never heard of it.”
“They trustable, I promise.”
The two turned, back to the other crew, as the girl lowered her gun.
“Can you help us, off this planet?”
“Yeah sure.”
Whistler nodded, as her and her crew, lowered their hands.
“What is the Sharpened Blade?”
Lacey asked. Charlie spoke before the two strangers could.
“The Sharpened Blade, is the guards to the kingdom of Veridicus. They are known for being, truthful and honorable.”
“That is correct. How do you know so much?”
“I had a friend, who was part of the Sharpened Blade.”
The two strangers, had gathered their stuff. And now the group, was walking back to the Milky-Way.
“We are ever in your debt, leader Whistler.”
Both of them put their hands, back to back and bowed.
“This is my job. There's no need for thanks.”
They had reached the ship, as they all removed their masked.
“We must insist. It’s the honorable thing.”
The boy said, as again he bowed.
“How rude, we have not introduce us, I am Quarraalia and this is Xabat.”
Both of them bowed again.
“I’m Whistler, this is Kevin, Charlie, Lucey, and Hunter.”
They all nodded, as the sharpened Blade bowed again. And the mIlky-way picked up, from the ground. Little did anyone know, that a crew and their ship, had been following them.
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