First in command
Full Name: Jean, Maria, Tracy, McCall
Come From: West Virginia.
Personality: Stuck up violent 2 years old.
Description: Light brown hair, Light green eyes. Moon crest, birth mark on her left ankle. 5'10"
Weakness: People getting hurt. Her family
Back Ground: Jean was raised by her aught. Her mother died after she was born. She didn't know about Micheal her twin till she was in collage. The aught that raised her was a con artist, she had another aught who is a secrete agent for the government.
Meaning Of Name: Gift from god
Powers: Dark multi-kin powers
Secant In command
Full Name: Sara, H, Miller
Come From: Pennsylvania
Personality: Smart. Kind, Caring
Description: Dark skin, White hair, Blue eyes. 5'5"
Weakness: Tends to be a mother to everyone.
Back Ground: Out of every one on the team, she has the happiest childhood. She is childhood best friends with Jean. She grew up with her parents and her older brother.
Meaning Of Name: Princess of kindness
Powers: Shape shiftier
Third In Command
Full Name: Micheal. Phillip, Kingsly, McCall
Come From: The star drifter.(A star ship from the future)
Personality: Kind, Father like, Looks like a cinnamon roll, But can actually kill you
Description: Dark brown hair, Brown eyes, Six pointed star on his left shoulder. 6'7"
Weakness: his twin sister, or any one who he cares about
Back Ground: Micheal is 12 minutes older then Jean. After their mother died, he's father took him to the future, where he raised Micheal as a solder, to fight in the war to take back the post apocalyptic earth. After they won back the earth. Micheal went in search of his sister, And found her at the collage.
Meaning Of Name: Who is like God?
Powers: Low key magic powers. dark multi-kin powers
Fourth In Command
Full Name: Danial, Jacob, Martian
Come From: Unknown
Personality: trouble maker, Kind,
Description: Black hair, Red eyes, Flame tattoos covering his right arm.
Weakness: His sisters. Water.
Back Ground: Danial was rescued from his family when he was 11. he lived with the first Red Cloak Girl for a year. But than ran away to the Future where Micheal was fighting to regain the earth. A couple years later Jean showed up and offered to help find his sisters if he joined her team.
Meaning Of Name: God is my judge
Powers: Fire.
5th In Command
Full Name: Hannah, Alexander, Hopper
Come From: The planet Fire Sun.
Personality: Looks like she could kill you, But actually is a cinnamon roll
Description: Pale skin, Blue eyes, Red hair, Has the four ealaments on her back.
Weakness: Lightning. Bad fashion
Back Ground: Hannah was a warrior of her planet, but left to join Jean in her quest.
Meaning Of Name: Grace of a prophet
Powers: Fire, Water, Earth, Air,
6th In Command
Full Name: Jack
Come From: Unknown
Personality: Lade back, level head.
Description: White hair, Ice blue eyes. Snow white skin.
Weakness: Fire, Hannah, His team mates.
Back Ground: Jack is the son of Annabel and Gregg. He was taken away from when he was baby. Some people believed that He would end the war between people with powers and the ones who don't. No one knows if this true, but he hopes it is.
Meaning Of Name: Man Of Many Talents
Powers: Ice, Snow, Water.
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