First in command
Full Name: Jean, Maria, Tracy, McCall
Come From: West Virginia.
Personality: Stuck up violent 2 years old.
Description: Light brown hair, Light green eyes. Moon crest, birth mark on her left ankle. 5'10"
Weakness: People getting hurt. Her family
Back Ground: Jean was raised by her aught. Her mother died after she was born. She didn't know about Micheal her twin till she was in collage. The aught that raised her was a con artist, she had another aught who is a secrete agent for the government.
Meaning Of Name: Gift from god
Powers: Dark multi-kin powers
Secant In command
Full Name: Sara, H, Miller
Come From: Pennsylvania
Personality: Smart. Kind, Caring
Description: Dark skin, White hair, Blue eyes. 5'5"
Weakness: Tends to be a mother to everyone.
Back Ground: Out of every one on the team, she has the happiest childhood. She is childhood best friends with Jean. She grew up with her parents and her older brother.
Meaning Of Name: Princess of kindness
Powers: Shape shiftier
Third In Command
Full Name: Micheal. Phillip, Kingsly, McCall
Come From: The star drifter.(A star ship from the future)
Personality: Kind, Father like, Looks like a cinnamon roll, But can actually kill you
Description: Dark brown hair, Brown eyes, Six pointed star on his left shoulder. 6'7"
Weakness: his twin sister, or any one who he cares about
Back Ground: Micheal is 12 minutes older then Jean. After their mother died, he's father took him to the future, where he raised Micheal as a solder, to fight in the war to take back the post apocalyptic earth. After they won back the earth. Micheal went in search of his sister, And found her at the collage.
Meaning Of Name: Who is like God?
Powers: Low key magic powers. dark multi-kin powers
Fourth In Command
Full Name: Danial, Jacob, Martian
Come From: Unknown
Personality: trouble maker, Kind,
Description: Black hair, Red eyes, Flame tattoos covering his right arm.
Weakness: His sisters. Water.
Back Ground: Danial was rescued from his family when he was 11. he lived with the first Red Cloak Girl for a year. But than ran away to the Future where Micheal was fighting to regain the earth. A couple years later Jean showed up and offered to help find his sisters if he joined her team.
Meaning Of Name: God is my judge
Powers: Fire.
5th In Command
Full Name: Hannah, Alexander, Hopper
Come From: The planet Fire Sun.
Personality: Looks like she could kill you, But actually is a cinnamon roll
Description: Pale skin, Blue eyes, Red hair, Has the four ealaments on her back.
Weakness: Lightning. Bad fashion
Back Ground: Hannah was a warrior of her planet, but left to join Jean in her quest.
Meaning Of Name: Grace of a prophet
Powers: Fire, Water, Earth, Air,
6th In Command
Full Name: Jack
Come From: Unknown
Personality: Lade back, level head.
Description: White hair, Ice blue eyes. Snow white skin.
Weakness: Fire, Hannah, His team mates.
Back Ground: Jack is the son of Annabel and Gregg. He was taken away from when he was baby. Some people believed that He would end the war between people with powers and the ones who don't. No one knows if this true, but he hopes it is.
Meaning Of Name: Man Of Many Talents
Powers: Ice, Snow, Water.
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Monday, August 28, 2017
Question Time:6
Hey i'm back with another question time. This time with just Celtic
1. How old are they and do they act their age?
I'm 10 years old, but I've been told I act like an adult
2. What was their childhood like?
I'm still living my childhood but I'd say it's been really good
3. What kind of relationships do they have with others?
I have very few friends, but there really good friends. Every one else is meh
4. What hobbies and passions do they have?
I love to read, and drink milk shanks, along with bugging Anna.
5. What makes them happiest?
Spending time with my family, and bugging Anna
6. What makes them most afraid?
The thought of out living every one I know
7. What makes them angry?
Cruel people, Carrots, and dis-respective people.
8. What was the best moment of their lives?
Finely meeting my god-father
9. Their biggest secret?
The war to come
10. Can you describe them in one word?
Monday, August 21, 2017
A History Lesson
Candice sat by herself, in the resort living room. Reading one of the many books from the library. The other people in the house, where playing monopoly. In the dining room, most of the Red Cloak Girls and their guardians, where out on a mission of some sort. Laughter drifted into the living room, as Candice finished reading the book. She set it down on the coffee table. Then looked around the room, for something to do. She had been invited to the monopoly game, but had turned it down, in favor of the book she had just finished. Just then Jean walked in and took a seat, on the couch across from Candice.
“Good book?”
Jean pointed to the book, she had just finished, with her glass of apple juice.
“Yeah, I guess.”
“Huh...You didn’t like it or something?”
“No it was good, but also confusing.”
“How so?”
“It kept talking, about the council war?”
“Oh yeah you weren't here, when that happened. Huh.”
“What was the council war?”
“The council was the third villain, for all the Red Cloak Girl. There rain of terror started in Jenny’s timeline, and lasted till Meg’s timeline. They were powerful, and had people working for them, all over the place. They even had people in the other two multiverses. it took all we had and even some help from the other travelers, to put a end to them.”
“Other travelers?”
“Yeah there’s other people, who travel through the multiverses and time.”
“How come I’ve never heard of them?”
“Sometime we talk to each other, but mostly we keep to ourselves.”
“OK, so who was the council?”
“The most powerful of different races, like the multi-kin.”
“You said it was your guys third villian, why are they so famous?”
“Because the last battle was filmed by the news. And they kind of helped, start this whole mess.”
Jean waved her glass around.
“How did they help?”
“They helped make the cloak, but that’s a different story altogether.”
“Uh, Wait you said, the last battle was filmed.”
“Yeah, and it doesn't help that the cloak broke, half way through.”
“Yeah, and because of that people know who we are.”
“Stop picking on her Jean.”
Candice turned to see Whistler, leaning against the doorway.
Jean got up, and exited the room. As Whistler took her seat on the couch.
“It’s more complicated than that.”
“Timelines and universes. But it doesn’t matter. If you want to know more, you can probably find a book in the library.”
Candice nodded, as Whistler got up left to the dining room, where a screaming match had broken out. Candice sat back in her chair. There was a lot she didn’t know, and it was only getting more complicated, as she learned more.
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
A Problem To Solve
The city of Estrella, sat under a waterfall. It’s white building, towered over the fall. The people of the city walked around, ignoring each other. Along with the hooded figure, that stood at edge of the town. The figure walked into town, till they reached a fruit stand.
“Excuse me? I need help.”
The owner of the stand, turned to the figure. As they pulled ther hood down, the owner could see, that the girl’s right eye, was completely black. And the left one was slowly turning black two.
“I see what you mean. Head up the streat, till you come to that little cabin, on the waterfall. She’s who you turn to, when you’ve nowhere else to turn.”
The girl pulled her hood, back over her face. As she followed the stand’s owner's instructions. She arrived at the cabin, awhile later. And knocked she waited for awhile, but no one answered. So she knocked again. This time the door flew opened. In the doorway stood a woman. With blonde waze hair, and green eyes.
“Are you the owner, of this place?”
“Yeah, Why?”
“I need help.”
Again the girl lowered her hood. The woman stepped forwards. To exam the girl’s eyes.
The woman then turned around, and entered the cabin. She left the door open, so the hood girl, followed her in. The cabin had three rooms, A bedroom to the right. A kitchen to the left. And a dining room/lab across from the door. The blonde woman was in the lab, adding stuff to a tea pot.
“Take a seat. I’ll be there in minute.”
The woman pointed to a chair, at the Dining table. The hooded girl took the seat. She sat quietly for awhile, but spoke up.
“What are you doing?”
“Making tea.”
“Will it help, with my problem?”
“What problem?’
“My eyes, there turning black.”
“Oh that. Nope, this tea doesn’t help.”
With that she set a cup of tea, in front of the hooded girl.
“So can you help, or not?”
The hooded girl ignored the cup of tea. As she watched the blonde woman, head back to the lab.
“Well to help you. You’ed need to have a problem. Which you don’t.”
“What about my eyes?”
“Oh well that’s easy.”
The woman poured some red dust, into a glass of blue liquid.
“Your eyes are changing, because you're changing.’
“What do you mean?”
“Were you ever cursed?”
The hooded girl looked, at the woman with surprise.
“No. I don’t think so.”
The woman stopped, and looked at the hooded girl.
“Huh…..Strange, see most people here are born with powers, but never realize it. Then when they get curised, it has a bad effect with there unknown powers.”
The woman added, some slimy purple stuff to the blue liquid.
“Well I wasn’t born here. And I’ve never been cursed.”
The woman poured the liquid into a jar. And then handed it to the girl.
“What’s this?”
“Souvenir, it glows in the dark.”
“So this is useless?!”
The woman nodded, then took a sip of the untouched tea.
“You’re really helpful!”
The girl threw the jar across the room, and it shattered.
“Sham, I just cleaned that room.”
“.I came to you for help, I thought you could fix me!!”
The girl was now yelling. But it didn’t seem to faze the woman.
“I spent all my money to get here. I left my family to come see you! And all you do is give me, is a jar of useless liquid!!”
“You could say that, or yell it like you are. But i’m not the one doing that.”
The woman got up, and pointed to the lab. The girl turned to see the jar, and the liquid back together, and sitting on the table.
“My names Janet, by the way. And your’s?”
“It’s nice to meet you Izzy.”
Janet picked a mirror off the table, and handed it to Izzy. Izzy looked into it, and saw that her eyes, were back to normal.
“You broke the curse. You can leave now.”
“And if I don’t?”
“Then you don’t, doesn’t matter to me.”
Izzy decided to stay. And try to learn, some stuff from Janet.
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
The Ghost In The Basement
Candice Jean and Helen, sat in the living room talking.
“So what’s up with the storys?”
Candice asked.
“What storys?”
Jean responded, as she lend back in her chair.
“The story, about this place being hunted.”
“Oh their true.”
Helen said from her chair. Where she was reading a book. Candice jumped back in surprise, in the process knocking over her chair.
“You mean, this place is actually haunted?”
“Yeah, her name’s Alanda. She lives in the basement.”
“You named the ghost!”
“She’s not a ghost, She’s stuck in between universes, Making her appear like a ghost.”
Helen offered.
“But still…....”
“Why don’t you meet her, than you’ll understand.”
Jean offered. As she stood up, and headed to the door, to the basement. Helen put her book down, and followed her. Candice followed them hestatently. Behind the door was a staircase, that lend down a long flight of stars, till they reached another door. Behind that was a huge room, filled with tables chairs, and books. The library had four levels, counting the bottom one, that they were standing on. At one of these tables, sat Elsa Lana Jenny and Roza. They looked up, but went back to their books, after they saw who it was.
Jean yelled/sung. A few seconds later a girl appeared. Candice could see through her, but could also see, that the young girl, had blonde hair, and brown eyes.
“Candice this is Alanda. Alanda this is Candice.”
Helen introduced the two.
“Candice the 14th Red Cloak Girl, Right?”
“Yeah, how did you know?”
“Oh, he told me.”
At this Jean rolled her eyes, and threw up her hands, in defeat.
“He’s still he?”
“Where else would he go?”
Alanda responded, as she glided over to Jean.
“Who’s He?”
Candice asked.
“Someone hangs around here. Only Alanda can see him, And she won’t tell us, who it is.”
Helen offered, as she took a seat, at one of the tables.
“Don’t blame me. He's the one, who doesn’t want you guys to know, who he is.”
Alanda said, as she glided back over to Candice.
“So you're all insane, Have a ghost living in the basement, and have a invisible person, following you guys around.”
Everyone in the room nodded.
“Yup pretty much.”
Jean said, as she walked over to Helen.
“You're all insane!”
“I thought we already went over this.”
“Maybe, anyways I have to go bug Meg, for minute.”
Alanda disappeared.
“Why is she bugging Meg?”
Candice asked, almost yelling.
“Alanda is nice, unless you mess up the library.”
“Like Meg did.”
Jean finished for Helen. Who had gotten distracted, by a book.
“OK i’m back.”
Candice jumped in surprise, and turned around to see, Alanda standing there.
“Please don’t do?”
Candice asked, as she backed up a few steps.
“Sorry. I forgot you were here.”
Alanda sighed, as she glided over, to Jean and Helen.
“It was nice meeting you. But you kind of creep me out. So i’m just going to go.”
And with that, Candice left the basement.
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
A desert Planet

Kevin exited the Milky-Way. They had just landed, on what was supposed to be a empty planet. They had picked up a distress call tho. And Whistler had instead, on them checking it out. The team was still on the ship, getting ready to investigate the planet. Kevin without thinking, started to walk around. The sky was filled with color, as the green sun started to set. Kevin stood for while watching the stars. Moments like this made Kevin understand, why Whistler loved space so much.
“Beautiful is it?”
Kevin turned to see that Whistler, had joined him.
“Can you two stop stargazing. And help us.”
The two of them turned to see Charlie, and Hunter carrying some backpacks. Kevin and Whistler, helped them with the bags. As Lacey showed up with her drone. That flew over their heads, as it scanned the surrounding area.
Hunter yelled, and a few seconds later, his quarter horse, came out of the star ship. Oklahoma didn’t even slow down, as he passed Hunter, who jumped on the horse. They both rode off in front of everyone, else but stayed in sight. Charlie pulled out her gun, and checked the chamber.
“Please put that away.”
Charlie glanced over at Whistler, before putting the gun away.
“I just thought, we might need it.”
Whistler just nodded in acknowledgment.
“Hey, I found something!”
The other four picked up their pace, to catch up with Hunter. Who was now standing by his horse. Once they reached Hunter, they could see over the edge of the sand doom. Where they could see, a star ship had crashed, and a small fire burning by the ship.
“Come on!”
Whistler said, as she fastened her mask, and slid down the sand doom. The other followed her lead. At the bottom of the doom, Charlie pulled out the stun guns, and handed them to the other.
“Just in case.”
The other nodded, and stored the guns out of sight. Charlie and Hunter, walked over to the fire. As Whistler and Kevin, checked the ship. And Lucey stood, in the middle of the camp, using the drone to scan the place. A few minutes later, Hunter and Charlie joined Lucey.
“Nothing, the fire has been burning for awhile.”
“Unattended, I have to say.”
Hunter put in.
“We got nothing.”
Whistler said, as Her and Kevin, took their place by their teammates.
“Hey! Put your hands up!”
The four of them turned around, to see a girl and boy standing on the ship. With power rifles, and masked on, covering their faces. Whistler and her crew did as they were told, and put their hands up.
“We picked up your S.O.S call!”
Whistler yelled. The two stranger spoke to each other, in low voice. With the wind picking up, Whistler crew couldn’t make out, what they were saying.
“OK, so what do you want!?!”
The man yelled.
“To help you!”
Kevin yelled in response.
The two stranger moved closer, so they could talk, without yelling. But still pointed their guns, at Whistler’s crew.
“Who are you guys?”
“Whistler, captain of the Milky-Way. And this is my crew.”
Whistler gestured to her crew.
“Were the two last members, of the crew of the Sharpened Blade.”
The woman gestured to the ship, as she spoke. Charlie recognized the name, and the broken sword, painted on the ship.
“We were attacked, and had to land on this planet. And as you have probably seen, our ship can’t start.”
The man said, as he lowered his. His partner turned around, to glare at him.
“What are you doing?”
“The Milky-Way. The ship that guardians the sky.”
“Never heard of it.”
“They trustable, I promise.”
The two turned, back to the other crew, as the girl lowered her gun.
“Can you help us, off this planet?”
“Yeah sure.”
Whistler nodded, as her and her crew, lowered their hands.
“What is the Sharpened Blade?”
Lacey asked. Charlie spoke before the two strangers could.
“The Sharpened Blade, is the guards to the kingdom of Veridicus. They are known for being, truthful and honorable.”
“That is correct. How do you know so much?”
“I had a friend, who was part of the Sharpened Blade.”
The two strangers, had gathered their stuff. And now the group, was walking back to the Milky-Way.
“We are ever in your debt, leader Whistler.”
Both of them put their hands, back to back and bowed.
“This is my job. There's no need for thanks.”
They had reached the ship, as they all removed their masked.
“We must insist. It’s the honorable thing.”
The boy said, as again he bowed.
“How rude, we have not introduce us, I am Quarraalia and this is Xabat.”
Both of them bowed again.
“I’m Whistler, this is Kevin, Charlie, Lucey, and Hunter.”
They all nodded, as the sharpened Blade bowed again. And the mIlky-way picked up, from the ground. Little did anyone know, that a crew and their ship, had been following them.
The Resort
The Red Cloak Girl's own a five store house. That changes and redecorates, to the style of the current Red Cloak Girl. So when the R.C.G's, are all together in the Mansion, it gets confused. And ends up putting all, 14 Red Cloak Girl's style together, in a building the size of a resort.
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