This year was different for the Red Cloak Girl, they weren't going to throw a Christmas party for everyone instead everyone was doing something with their own teams. So to make up for this fact they were going to make Christmas cookies for each team to take home for there Christmas celebrations. This tradition was started by Jenny who had gotten it from their family. All 81 Guardians and 17 Red Cloak Girls were all there. It was the last day everyone would be there so the night before Spencer Jenny Whistler and Candice made enough sugar cookie dough to make close to 300 cookies. But at the moment the residents of the Resort was drinking any warm drink they could find and waiting for the last couple people to wake up/warm up enough to make the cookies.
"Are you sure this is enough dough?"
Candice asked Spencer, who was standing watching the coffee machine make more coffee.
"Enough? I think we made to much."
Spencer responded as the coffee machine finished.
"Yeah, I guess your right we did make a lot."
Candice closed the fridge door, just as Kat walked into the kitchen, she was the last person to get up.
She walked over to the fridge and poured herself a cup of milk, as Roza speed into the kitchen.
"Time for cookies?!?"
"Not yet, we still haven't finished prepping the table."
Spencer said from the dining room.
"Aw but I want to make them now."
Roza said in a whinny voice, as she sadly walked out of the kitchen. Candice followed her into the dining room, where some of the guardians were taping parchment paper to the table, well the Red Cloak Girls were sorting cookie cutters into five containers. People, Animals, Animated objects, nature,(Leafs, Snowflakes,) and other holidays besides Christmas.
"You could help us, make it go faster."
Whistler offered.
"Sure why not? what do you need?"
"Floor there should be five bags on the counter."
Roza speeded out of the dining room and was right back in a few seconds, the only problem was that Roza didn't see the shield that Lana had left out, and in seconds two bags of floor went flying and covered most of the people in the room.
"It's not my fault, Lana left the shield out!"
"No one's to blame, it was an accident."
Candice supplied as everyone tried to knock the floor off. Kat entered the dining room with the last bags of floor and placed them on the table.
"What happened in here?"
"Roza decided we needed a new look."
Jean said from where she was sitting.
"Well, we have the floor what else do we need?"
"The dough, table, and the cutters."
"Actually the tables done."
Michael said from his place behind the table.
"We're all most there."
Helen said as she threw a cookie cutter at Whistler, who caught right before it hit her in the head.
"Please don't throw stuff in the house."
Jenny said as she set a bowl of cookie dough on the table, before heading back to the kitchen to get the rest, Jean followed her.
The other R.C.G placed the containers of cookie cutters on the table, right before Jean and Jenny returned with rest of the cookie dough. Jean carried most of the dough with magic.
Jenny yelled as she started to roll out the dough she was given. The room was filled with friendly chatter as everyone focused on their dough or helped someone with theirs. The friendly chatter was broken when Meg asked a question.
"Does anyone else's dough taste strange?"
"You're not supposed to eat it, and no my dough is fine."
Jean said from her side of the table.
"Actually mine taste strange too."
Henry agreed with Meg.
"The eggs did kinda smell funny."
Spencer supplied.
"And you didn't do anything about it?"
Janet questioned.
"No, I figured if something was wrong, the heat from the oven would kill it."
"Salmonella poisoning."
Janet turned to Meg.
"It has salmonella poisoning."
"In that case, the oven will kill it."
Spencer justified.
"Just don't eat anymore, like you were told from the start."
Whistler said from her place at the head of the table. Everyone fell back into chatter as the cookie pans in the center of the table filled up with cookies.
A few minutes later the pan was filled with cookies, and Dianna carried the pan into the kitchen to put in the oven. It was replaced with a second pan before Dianna left, so everyone continued to make cookies. But was stopped awhile later by an explosion from the kitchen. everyone ran to the kitchen.
"Someone left a fork in the microwave!"
Dianna showed the blacken fork to the others.
"Oh yeah, I was making mac and cheese."
Kat said as she slipped back into the dining room.
Every one followed here and went back to making cookies, a couple hours later all the cookie dough was gone, wither it was made into cookies or eaten was unknown.
Everyone had drifted into the living room, to wait for the cookies to be done.
It was all peaceful until Roza screamed from the kitchen, once again everyone rushed to the kitchen.
"What is going on this time!?!"
Roza screamed as she pointed to the oven, where the fire had consumed the whole stove.
Daniel didn't say anything just stepped forward and put out his hand, the fire leaped from the oven into Daniel's hand the fire despaired, he turned around and went back to the living room.
"It's good to have a fire elemental on your team."
Jean said smuggle, before following her team member back to the living room.
At the end of the day, all the cookies were done and divided into even stacks and given to each team as they left back to their timelines to celebrate Christmas.
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