Elsa doesn't have guardians no one really knows what happened to them or if they ever existed Elsa never says anything about them so who knows?
Full Name: Elsa, Cosima, Beatrice
Come From: Warden, Washington
Personality: Violent, Warrior, Quiet,
Description: Black hair brushed to one side, Right eye light green left dark green.
Weakness: Tends to be self-centered,
Back Ground: Elsa's parents died when she was three, she grew up in an orphanage as a troubled child. She caused trouble to the point everyone avoided her. She ran away from the orphanage when she was 10, she lived on the streets for awhile, till she meets a 13-year-old boy named Peter, who lived in a foster home. He was able to convince them to foster Elsa. she lived there for 9 years, she then ran away agian, this time she meets Mrs. Hazel who told her she was the next Red Cloak Girl, she took the title and then dissappered, the next time any one heard of her she was in a war she started, a few days later the four R.C.G before her teamed up to stop her, but not in time she soon became imortle, a year later she officle lost the title of the Red Cloak Girl.
Meaning Of Name: Oath Of God
Powers: Weather,
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