Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The Late Night Club

Janet sighed as she sat in her dark room, watching the storm outside. even tho it was 1 o'clock in the morning, Janet knew she never would get to sleep. As long as the storm carried on outside. Janet nearly fell off her bed, as another lighting flashed out side. She sighed again before getting up. She wrapped her blanket around her shoulders, then exited her room, and went down the stairs. She headed for the kitchen but stopped in the living room. Jean sat with her hoodie up and a glass of hot cocoa in her hands, while she sat on the couch watching the storm outside.
The girl turned to see who had spoken. then turned back to the window. Janet took a seat on the recliner behind Jean.
"Can't sleep?"
Janet nodded in response, before remembering that Jean couldn't see her.
"Yeah, you?"
Jean turned around to face Janet.
"No, I don't sleep anymore."
Jean took a sip of her hot cocoa, as Janet rearranged her blanket.
"So you just sit here every night?"
"Yeah pretty much, Some times Roza joins me, but she's out tonight."
Janet and Jean fell into silents, as they listened to the storm. As another thunder crashed Janet jumped.
"I hate storms."
Janet couldn't stop but hiss, as she sunk deeper into her blankets.
"I can see that, but to me storms are......beautiful."
Janet just huffed in response. Jean smiled as she finished her hot cocoa.
"I still can't believe you stay down here alone, every night."
"I'm not usually alone, there's surprising a lot of people that can't sleep, there even a club."
"Yeah, the Late Night Club."
"How do I not know about this?"
"You stay in your room all the time, so you never noticed."
Janet fell into thought, none of them was about the storm outside.

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