Monday, March 19, 2018

Head Cannons 1!

Left or Right or Maybe both

Whistler, Elsa, Roza, Spencer, and Ashley are all left-handed.

Helen, Lana, Kat, Candice, Silver, and Viktorious are right handed.

Well, Jenny, Jean, Dianna, Gena, Meg, and Janet are all Ambidexterity.

Stay out of my kitchen!

Jean, Jenny, Helen, Kat, Gena, and Janet are all welcome to use the kitchen at the resort.

Well, Roza, Whistler, Elsa, Ashley, Viktorious, and Lana are banned from entering.

And Dianna, Meg, Candice, and Silver stay out by their own choice.

Whether it's Cold or it's Hot

Whistler, Jean, Kat, and Spencer, al love the hot weather.

Well, Helen, Elsa, Dianna, Gena, Candice, Silver, and Viktorious prefer the cold weather.

And Jenny, Lana, Roza, Meg, Janet, and Ashley don't care either way.

Cereal for all!

Jenny Coco Puffs. Whistler Chips Ahoy.

Jean Golden Grams. Helen Raisen brand.

Elsa Lucky charms. Dianna Corn Flakes.

Lana Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Kat Fruity Pebbles.

Roza Rice Krispies. Spencer Speciale K.

Gena Corn Pops. Meg Froot Loops.

Janet Apple Jacks. Ashley Krave.

Candice Honey Bunches Of Oats. Silver Cocoa Krispies.

And Viktorious Reese's Puffs.

Coffee! Coffee! Coffee!

Roza and Viktorious aren't allowed to have coffee or energy drinks, for the sanity of the other people in the resort.

Thunder and Lighten very very frightening

Janet is scared of thunderstorms, she's never told anyone why.


The Red Cloak Girls allowed in the kitchen, help out with clean up and sometimes even offer to make a meal. Spencer usually turns them down on this offer.

Welcome to the Cafe.

Aprile dislikes the R.C.Gs and their guardians because they cause trouble in her cafe and usually breaks something. That being said Aprile looks forwards to Helen stopping by she doesn't cause trouble and is the only person willing to talk to April about Shakespeare.


There has been a contest at the resort for a while, were the R.C.G try to learn more languages than any of the others. Meg is winning at 24, Jean insists Meg is cheating but no one agrees. Candice is loosing only knowing one language, English.

Our home away from home

Against their better judgment, Alex and Barbra Johnson allows any and all time travels stay at their house if they need a place to stay for a few nights. Surprising Spencer takes them up on this offer more than anyone else.

Meep Meep!

Roza once spent a whole day watching old cartoons. The next day she would zip around the house yelling Meep! Meep!. After that Roza was banned from watching Wile E Coyote without being supervised.

My Little Pony!

At some point, every Red Cloak Girl has admitted to watching My Litlle Pony. They have yet to have a movie night just watching it tho.

Movie Night!

Every Thursday the R.C.G have a movie night. They use to actually watch movies, but now they usually watch medical dramas. Jean and Spencer still dislikes the medical part of the shows, but stay and watches for the characters.

I am the Winner

Meg has beaten every high score on all the video games at the resort. Gena and Spencer are really annoyed with this fact but can't beat Meg.

She is beauty, She is grace.

Janet is really good at hair and makeup she hardly ever uses this talent but when she does its usually because she is attended a party.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Short Story 6: Fridge Notes

Let it be known that Whistler started the madness. She was the first one to hang a sticky note to the fridge.

Who ever is stealing MY cake please stop-Whistler

I will never stop till all the cake is mine!-the cake thief

I will find you and I will stop you, mark my word-Whistler

I know who the thief is-Gena

No you don't-Cake thief

Yes I do, and it was obviously-Gena

Can you take this some where else your messing up my kitchen-Spencer

Not an till the cake thief pays for their crimes!-Whistler

I will never be caught-thief

wait why did your name change?-Whistler

She stole my Gatorade!-Gena

I am unstoppable no one can stop me HA HA-Thief

Your not unstoppable I still know who you are-Gena

Huh didn't think about that-Thief

Of course you didn't Jean-Gena

Ha I'm not Jean I guess you don't know who I am-Thief

Why would I steal your cake and Gatorade?-Slightly offended Jean

I don't know why you half things you do-Gena

Guys! please take this some where else-Spencer

Sorry Spencer not until we figure out who the thief is-Whistler

Stopping me is impassable, Cause I'm unstoppable-Thief

Did you just use song lyrics?-Annoyed Spencer

Maybe, but you can't prove it-Thief

Okay who took my ice cream! I was looking forwards to that all day-Angered Meg

*Evil laughter* I strike agian-Thief

Can some one tell me who thief is-Meg

They've ben trying to figure that out for the last three days-Jean

Are you Roza?-Gena


So you guys have no idea who is taking the food?-Meg

Yup, but we will find them-Whistler

keep telling yourself that-Thief

Have you tried watching the fridge?-Meg

No and their not going to-Really annoyed Spencer

What are you guys doing?-Lana

Nothing, just trying to figure out who the food thief is-Whistler

new name, I love it-Food Thief

Oh you mean the person who took Janet's pasta-Lana

Wait, WHAT! who ever took my pasta had better return it right now-Janet

I don't think I will sorry-Food Thief

That is it your going down food thief-Janet

How you going to do that? you don't know who I am-Food thief

I do-Lana

What? no you don't-Food thief

Yes I do, I saw you take Janets pasta-Lana

Who is it?-Whistler

Tell me, so I can crush them-Janet

Don't tell them!-Food thief

Are you panicing?-Gena

No-Calm food thief

It's Jenny-Lana

Fine, you know who I am but you can't stop me-Food Thief=Jenny

Mother! how could you betray me-Hurt Whistler

You should have said Dramatic Whistler-Jean

You don't know how it feels Jean!-Whistler

She does now-Just took Jean's root beer

What! no you give that back-I will hunt you down

Hey get in line, Your not the first person shr stole from-Janet

Nor you Janet-Gena

I hate to dissapiont all of you but Jenny left the house about a hour ago-Spencer

She can't escape that easy, To the outside world!-Avenging Jean

Go with her and STAY OUT OF MY KITCHEN!-Done with all of you Spencer
