Jenny a good witch
Whistler a knight
Jean a traveler
Helen a shop owner
Elsa a evil Fairy
Dianna a black smith
Lana a mermaid
Kat a good fairy
Roza a princess
Spencer a maid
Gena a medieval cop
Meg a queen
Janet a evil witch
Ash a outlaw
Candice a peasant
Monday, October 30, 2017
The Halloween Party of 2017
The R.C.G's had turned the large clearing in their woods into a creepy outside party. The R.C.G's had dressed up as character types from fairytales. The people Jenny had invited, had all shown up beside Niamo who was running late.
they had put up some table to hold food and a bunch of bowls of candy They had music playing, most of the people where playing games tho, but the guardians had also made a creepy loop trail through the forest.
Jenny had taken a seat in one of the trees. Whistler Phil and Spencer all were ruining the party, trying to keep everything under control.
Jean Dianna Elsa Roza where all hanging with the Veritas crew. But the group causing the most noise was Ranger Kat Peter and Rift, who were trying to play, This Is Halloween and was failing at it. Janet appeared from the loop trail, looking as if she had just strolled through an aisle in Walmart.
"So how scary is it?"
Janet turned to see Ash.
"Not very, I've seen Walmart aisle scarier."
With that Janet turned and headed to the drink table, for a refill of punch. Ash nodded and then headed to the entry of the loop. She was stopped by a yell from Niamo.
Ash watched as Jakarta and Jean jumped out of the way, just in time for Niamo to crash into the ground. A few seconds later she got back onto her feet.
"I'm fine, just a strong breeze."
"Too bad no one asked."
"Be nice Jean."
Jenny said as she walked over to greet her new guest. Jean mumbled something as she walked away.
"Hi, Niamo, nice of you to drop in."
"Sorry, i'm late I had to stop for a costume."
"It's fine, what is your costume?"
"I'm a unicorn."
"Niamo you're a pegacorn in real life."
"Yeah so?"
Jenny just shook her head but changed the subject, to their latest adventures. Jakarta had rejoined her crew and was now talking with them about who knows what.
The 'band' had stopped playing and was now going through the loop. The music had been turned back on, and some of the adventures had started to dance. Including Gena Janet Candice, Niamo cole, triple L, and Bartholomew.
Jenny had taken up residence at the candy table, which was almost empty. Most of the food was gone too, well the drink table was empty. Which would have been a problem, if the 'band' didn't come out of the loop screaming, and not looking where they were going and ran into the drink table.
Rest of the night was somewhat quiet, besides one small fire set by Elsa, who thought it would be funny to set one of the table clothes on fire, so she could make smores. to say the least, the Halloween party of 2017 was quite an adventure.
The End
Sorry If any of the characters where out of character, I hope you enjoyed it :)
they had put up some table to hold food and a bunch of bowls of candy They had music playing, most of the people where playing games tho, but the guardians had also made a creepy loop trail through the forest.
Jenny had taken a seat in one of the trees. Whistler Phil and Spencer all were ruining the party, trying to keep everything under control.
Jean Dianna Elsa Roza where all hanging with the Veritas crew. But the group causing the most noise was Ranger Kat Peter and Rift, who were trying to play, This Is Halloween and was failing at it. Janet appeared from the loop trail, looking as if she had just strolled through an aisle in Walmart.
"So how scary is it?"
Janet turned to see Ash.
"Not very, I've seen Walmart aisle scarier."
With that Janet turned and headed to the drink table, for a refill of punch. Ash nodded and then headed to the entry of the loop. She was stopped by a yell from Niamo.
Ash watched as Jakarta and Jean jumped out of the way, just in time for Niamo to crash into the ground. A few seconds later she got back onto her feet.
"I'm fine, just a strong breeze."
"Too bad no one asked."
"Be nice Jean."
Jenny said as she walked over to greet her new guest. Jean mumbled something as she walked away.
"Hi, Niamo, nice of you to drop in."
"Sorry, i'm late I had to stop for a costume."
"It's fine, what is your costume?"
"I'm a unicorn."
"Niamo you're a pegacorn in real life."
"Yeah so?"
Jenny just shook her head but changed the subject, to their latest adventures. Jakarta had rejoined her crew and was now talking with them about who knows what.
The 'band' had stopped playing and was now going through the loop. The music had been turned back on, and some of the adventures had started to dance. Including Gena Janet Candice, Niamo cole, triple L, and Bartholomew.
Jenny had taken up residence at the candy table, which was almost empty. Most of the food was gone too, well the drink table was empty. Which would have been a problem, if the 'band' didn't come out of the loop screaming, and not looking where they were going and ran into the drink table.
Rest of the night was somewhat quiet, besides one small fire set by Elsa, who thought it would be funny to set one of the table clothes on fire, so she could make smores. to say the least, the Halloween party of 2017 was quite an adventure.
The End
Sorry If any of the characters where out of character, I hope you enjoyed it :)
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Short Story 5: Food War
The R.C.G's all sat at the dining room table. Jean was just listening to the others talk when suddenly Roza nudged her. She turned to look at the vampire.
"Watch this."
Jean watched as Roza took the serving spoon to the mashed potatoes, and then launched the serving of potatoes across the table, where Janet sat. If looks could kill Roza would definitely be died. Before anyone could say anything, Janet had picked up her glass of water and splashed it on Roza. Kat sitting next to Roza, had gotten wet as well, reacting like the mature person she was, she picked up the nearest food, that happened to be the watermelon, which she threw across the table at Janet, her aim was off and ended up hitting Elsa, who grabbed the cake and launched it at Roza, most of it actually hit Roza, but some hit Jean who finally got fed up with watching the fight, she grabbed the breadsticks she then jumped onto the table and yelled as loud as she could.
The others jumped up and yelled their battle cry, before throwing anything and everything in arms reaches, at the people on the other side of the table.
In only a few minutes the table had been knocked over and was being used as a barricade. The chairs were being used as shields, and almost all the food was on the walls, floor, people, and surprisingly the roof. As everyone was yelling and still throwing food, no one realized Phil and Jenny were standing in the doorway watching the war.
"Should we do something?"
Jenny asked as she watches Jean whack Dianna with a breadstick.
Before Jenny could respond, Phil had grabbed a pie and had thrown it at her.
"Oh, it is on."
Jenny grabbed a cup of punch that hadn't been spilled yet. And splashed it in Phil's face before pushing him into the dining room, right into the crossfire. She then jumped in and helped Kat throwing Jell-O at Elsa. Phil sided with the left side and started throwing whip cream, at Jenny and Kat.
The war lasted for another hour, which is why when Spencer got back from the store she found, Gena and Meg behind the table covered in cake, Lana quietly eating chips as she watched the food war, Janet stocking up on food for the last round, Helen throwing ice cream at Elsa who was hiding behind Dianna, then there was Jenny throwing dinner rolls at Jean, who deflecting them with breadsticks well Phil stood behind her, throwing watermelon at Jenny.
"I'll come back later."
With that Spencer turned around and headed to her room, to read her book before bed, dreading cleaning up the mess in the dining room.
This was based on the draw the squad food fight
Hoped you enjoyed
"Watch this."
Jean watched as Roza took the serving spoon to the mashed potatoes, and then launched the serving of potatoes across the table, where Janet sat. If looks could kill Roza would definitely be died. Before anyone could say anything, Janet had picked up her glass of water and splashed it on Roza. Kat sitting next to Roza, had gotten wet as well, reacting like the mature person she was, she picked up the nearest food, that happened to be the watermelon, which she threw across the table at Janet, her aim was off and ended up hitting Elsa, who grabbed the cake and launched it at Roza, most of it actually hit Roza, but some hit Jean who finally got fed up with watching the fight, she grabbed the breadsticks she then jumped onto the table and yelled as loud as she could.
The others jumped up and yelled their battle cry, before throwing anything and everything in arms reaches, at the people on the other side of the table.
In only a few minutes the table had been knocked over and was being used as a barricade. The chairs were being used as shields, and almost all the food was on the walls, floor, people, and surprisingly the roof. As everyone was yelling and still throwing food, no one realized Phil and Jenny were standing in the doorway watching the war.
"Should we do something?"
Jenny asked as she watches Jean whack Dianna with a breadstick.
Before Jenny could respond, Phil had grabbed a pie and had thrown it at her.
"Oh, it is on."
Jenny grabbed a cup of punch that hadn't been spilled yet. And splashed it in Phil's face before pushing him into the dining room, right into the crossfire. She then jumped in and helped Kat throwing Jell-O at Elsa. Phil sided with the left side and started throwing whip cream, at Jenny and Kat.
The war lasted for another hour, which is why when Spencer got back from the store she found, Gena and Meg behind the table covered in cake, Lana quietly eating chips as she watched the food war, Janet stocking up on food for the last round, Helen throwing ice cream at Elsa who was hiding behind Dianna, then there was Jenny throwing dinner rolls at Jean, who deflecting them with breadsticks well Phil stood behind her, throwing watermelon at Jenny.
"I'll come back later."
With that Spencer turned around and headed to her room, to read her book before bed, dreading cleaning up the mess in the dining room.
This was based on the draw the squad food fight
Hoped you enjoyed
Monday, October 23, 2017
Multi-Kin Calvin
The man pushed open the huge oak doors. To the dark star hallways, the two children, that were with them gasped at the sight in front of them.
"Welcome to the dreamscape."
The little boy turned to look in every direction, then back to his uncle.
"Aren't there suppose to be people here?"
"There was a long time ago but for years now it has remained empty."
"What happened to the people?"
The young girl asked, as she walked over to her brother.
"They left durring the dark war."
The boy seeming to lose interest. Had woundered over to one of the door, and opened it he slipped in, his sister and uncle followed suit. Inside was a dark room, but it was bright enough to see it was decorated, with balloons, streamers, and a yellow banner saying 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACK!'. Jack was no were to be seen, in fact no one was in the room besides the three Multi-Kin. That is till something or someone knocked over some of the presants in one of the corners. The young boy walked over to it, and knelt down a few secunts later, an another young boy about four appered, from behind the presants.
"No it'll come back!!!"
The boy who was most likely Jack, yelled before ducking back behind the presants.
"What will come back?"
Jack just pointed behind the other boy. who turned around to see a clown creeply smileing at them. The young girl screamed, and ducked behind her uncle. Who summened a sword, but didn't advants. The clown slowly started to walk, towards the two boys, it stopped acouple steps away from the boys. Jack ducked behind the prestants, the other boy stood, the clown titleted its head, then smiled, a smile filled with fangs, the boy instead of backing down, or summening a weapon. Instead his hand brifly glowed a dark blue, before it faded, but the brife light was enough for the clown to backdown, before any one could do anything the clown dissappered. The young boy looked around for it but couldn't find it, he then turned to look at his uncle Calvin.
"Where did it go?"
"I'll exsplain in a moment, but we need to go."
Chase was about to ask why, when he realized the room was begianing to fade. the three Multi-Kin left the room in a hurry. once back in the hall way. the three where meat with two gaurds.
"The king would like to talk to you sir."
"Of coures he does. Children go find your mother."
The two children ran off, threw the oak door. As Calvin turned and followed a the two gaurds to his brothers thron room.
"Welcome to the dreamscape."
The little boy turned to look in every direction, then back to his uncle.
"Aren't there suppose to be people here?"
"There was a long time ago but for years now it has remained empty."
"What happened to the people?"
The young girl asked, as she walked over to her brother.
"They left durring the dark war."
The boy seeming to lose interest. Had woundered over to one of the door, and opened it he slipped in, his sister and uncle followed suit. Inside was a dark room, but it was bright enough to see it was decorated, with balloons, streamers, and a yellow banner saying 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACK!'. Jack was no were to be seen, in fact no one was in the room besides the three Multi-Kin. That is till something or someone knocked over some of the presants in one of the corners. The young boy walked over to it, and knelt down a few secunts later, an another young boy about four appered, from behind the presants.
"No it'll come back!!!"
The boy who was most likely Jack, yelled before ducking back behind the presants.
"What will come back?"
Jack just pointed behind the other boy. who turned around to see a clown creeply smileing at them. The young girl screamed, and ducked behind her uncle. Who summened a sword, but didn't advants. The clown slowly started to walk, towards the two boys, it stopped acouple steps away from the boys. Jack ducked behind the prestants, the other boy stood, the clown titleted its head, then smiled, a smile filled with fangs, the boy instead of backing down, or summening a weapon. Instead his hand brifly glowed a dark blue, before it faded, but the brife light was enough for the clown to backdown, before any one could do anything the clown dissappered. The young boy looked around for it but couldn't find it, he then turned to look at his uncle Calvin.
"Where did it go?"
"I'll exsplain in a moment, but we need to go."
Chase was about to ask why, when he realized the room was begianing to fade. the three Multi-Kin left the room in a hurry. once back in the hall way. the three where meat with two gaurds.
"The king would like to talk to you sir."
"Of coures he does. Children go find your mother."
The two children ran off, threw the oak door. As Calvin turned and followed a the two gaurds to his brothers thron room.
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
The Psychic
The psychic went quiet, she wasn't sure how to react to the woman in front of her. At first sight, she looked normal, but the psychic could feel the power that resided in the woman.
"Excuse me, ma'am?"
The woman turned to look at the psychic.
"Where are coming from?"
"Huh......The north planet. Why?"
"I sense that you have great power."
The woman glanced at the takeoff schedule, before walking over to the psychic
"what kind?"
"The kind that belongs to a hero."
The woman smiles for a split second before her face fell again.
"Thanks, it was nice meeting you, but I've got a ship to catch."
Before the psychic could say something, the woman was already lost in the crowd.
Based off of this writing prompt

Hoped you enjoyed the story
"Excuse me, ma'am?"
The woman turned to look at the psychic.
"Where are coming from?"
"Huh......The north planet. Why?"
"I sense that you have great power."
The woman glanced at the takeoff schedule, before walking over to the psychic
"what kind?"
"The kind that belongs to a hero."
The woman smiles for a split second before her face fell again.
"Thanks, it was nice meeting you, but I've got a ship to catch."
Before the psychic could say something, the woman was already lost in the crowd.
Based off of this writing prompt

Hoped you enjoyed the story
Monday, October 16, 2017
Jenny and Phil are throwing a Halloween party that the others will attend. The party is at night giving the others a whole day to celebrate.
Whistler is celebrating Halloween by watching horror movies all day
Jean isn't celebrating Halloween besides Jenny's party
Helen is going to read Stephen King all day
Elsa isn't doing anything special for Halloween
Dianna is going to watch horror films and attend a "Haunted house" with Dilance
Lana and Iren are attending a feast as traditions in their country
Kat's people don't have a holiday like Halloween
Roza is dressing up and will try to scare as many people as she can
Spencer is holding a full day of fun for her guest, at the boarding house
Gena is going to stay home and read mystery books
Meg is going to try to have traditions Halloween
Janet is helping Jenny and Phil with party
Candice is spending the holiday with her family
Whistler is celebrating Halloween by watching horror movies all day
Jean isn't celebrating Halloween besides Jenny's party
Helen is going to read Stephen King all day
Elsa isn't doing anything special for Halloween
Dianna is going to watch horror films and attend a "Haunted house" with Dilance
Lana and Iren are attending a feast as traditions in their country
Kat's people don't have a holiday like Halloween
Roza is dressing up and will try to scare as many people as she can
Spencer is holding a full day of fun for her guest, at the boarding house
Gena is going to stay home and read mystery books
Meg is going to try to have traditions Halloween
Janet is helping Jenny and Phil with party
Candice is spending the holiday with her family
A Halloween Party
Jenny busily wrote something down on a piece of paper
"What'ch you doing?"
Jenny looked up at Roza.
"I'm writing a guest list."
Roza sped walked to the other side of the table.
"For what?"
"The Halloween party I'm throwing."
"You're throwing another party?"
"Ok then."
With that, she sped out of the room in a blur of speed. Jenny went back to scribbling down names. She finished shortly after.
"Huh, I deserve a reward for my hard work."
"Hard work of writing names?"
Jean said from the doorway, of the dining room.
And with that, a bag of Halloween candy appeared in her hands. She pulled out a box of nerds and a Kit Kat. She threw the nerds at Jean who caught it after it hit her in the head. Well, she started eating the kit kat.
"So who all is invited to this party?"
"Pretty much everyone."
"Yup. anyways I have to start bugging people."
"Want help?"
"Nah, it's more fun if I do it my self."
Jean then turned and walked into the living room, as Jenny disappeared.
"What'ch you doing?"
Jenny looked up at Roza.
"I'm writing a guest list."
Roza sped walked to the other side of the table.
"For what?"
"The Halloween party I'm throwing."
"You're throwing another party?"
"Ok then."
With that, she sped out of the room in a blur of speed. Jenny went back to scribbling down names. She finished shortly after.
"Huh, I deserve a reward for my hard work."
"Hard work of writing names?"
Jean said from the doorway, of the dining room.
And with that, a bag of Halloween candy appeared in her hands. She pulled out a box of nerds and a Kit Kat. She threw the nerds at Jean who caught it after it hit her in the head. Well, she started eating the kit kat.
"So who all is invited to this party?"
"Pretty much everyone."
"Yup. anyways I have to start bugging people."
"Want help?"
"Nah, it's more fun if I do it my self."
Jean then turned and walked into the living room, as Jenny disappeared.
Mean While On A Star Ship Somewhere
Niamo was standing on the bridge of her ship, watching the stars. her crew was asleep something that didn't come easily to Niamo. It didn't help, when Cloaked sorceress appeared randomly behind her.
"Hi, how it going?"
"Before the heart attack, or after?"
"I don't know whichever."
"Well, I was doing fine, before you almost scared me half to death."
"Huh, well I stopped by to invite you, to my Halloween party."
"All right, I and cole will come. If you stop teleporting behind me."
And with that Jenny disappeared again.
Jenny appeared suddenly in front of Test.
"Hi, Red."
"How it going? any wars with leprechauns?"
"No, since we don't have leprechauns here."
"Eh, that's what you think. All ways I'm here to invite you to my party. And no use saying no, because it wasn't a question"
Test was about to say something, but Jenny disappeared again.
Ranger was standing dramatically on a skyscraper, overlooking a city. When Jenny appeared to his left.
"Hi, Bartholomew. Have you seen your brother anywhere?."
"I'm not Bartholomew."
Jenny's mop Appeared in her hands, which she then used to wack Ranger with.
"I'm Ranger, not an imposter, Stop whacking me."
Jenny's mop disappeared.
"Sorry I thought you were Bartholomew."
"He has green hair, how do you keep mistaking me for him!?"
"You guys look so similar, I can't tell you apart. Anyways you are invited to my Halloween party."
"Who's all coming?"
"Everyone besides Tracy."
"Why not Tracy?"
"She's busy with other stuff."
"Huh, Well I'll be there."
Jenny teleported back to the resort
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Multi-Kin Miller
Miller sat on his throne, reading through the new rules for the dreamers. Even tho he was the main ruler, he had as much control of the four colonies, as the other rulers. He finally finished the new rules. and then he signed the paper, and then sent back to the king of the dreamscape. Just then the door opened and in stepped a guy.
"Your majesty."
He bowed as he spoke. Miller waved his hand, signaling for the guy to stand up again.
"Please tell me what has brought you here."
"My city sir. It is being attacked."
"By what?"
"The neighboring city, sir."
"What are they doing?"
"They've cut off our water supply. and has now started to take our town person by person."
"What colony are you from?"
"Queen Kaitlyn's sir."
"In that case, you'll have an army there by tomorrow morning."
"Thank you, sir."
The guy bowed again. And then left the room. Miller sighed sometimes ruling a planet was way more compact than other days, unlike today.
"Your majesty."
He bowed as he spoke. Miller waved his hand, signaling for the guy to stand up again.
"Please tell me what has brought you here."
"My city sir. It is being attacked."
"By what?"
"The neighboring city, sir."
"What are they doing?"
"They've cut off our water supply. and has now started to take our town person by person."
"What colony are you from?"
"Queen Kaitlyn's sir."
"In that case, you'll have an army there by tomorrow morning."
"Thank you, sir."
The guy bowed again. And then left the room. Miller sighed sometimes ruling a planet was way more compact than other days, unlike today.
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Multi-Kin Katelyn
The young girl sat at the huge table. She hummed quietly as she waited for her brother. Just then she heard the huge doors behind her open. She turned to the door expecting her brother, but instead, a young boy stood there, he had vibrant green hair and eyes to match, the young girl stepped forwards.
"Can I help you?"
"I lost my mother...I don't know where I am."
As he said the last part, he broke down in tears. Kaitlyn quickly closed the distance, between her and the boy.
"It's ok I'll help you find your mother. But first I need your name."
"That's a cool name, I'm Kaitlyn."
The young boy whipped his tears away, as Kaitlyn took his right hand. She then leads him back to the door. outside the door was a long hallway, decorated with paintings of the past rulers.
"This place is huge."
Kaitlyn smiled at Anthony.
"Yup it confusing like a maze. I'll tell you a secret, sometimes I get lost in these halls"
Anthony smiled.
"Do you know where your mother would be?"
"We were here for her new job, she's going to cook for the royal family."
Anthony was now smiling, with pride.
"Well, then she should be in the kitchen."
A few minutes later. They were standing in front of an old door. which was suddenly opened, to revile two guards and a crying woman.
Anthony let go of Kaitlyn's hand and rushed to the crying woman. Who instantly pulled him into a hug. Kaitlyn smiled and was about to leave the happy family to their reunion. When the mother spoke up.
"Thank you, princess, for returning him to me."
"It's the least I could do."
"Your majesty I don't mean to interrupt, but the prince is waiting for you in the throne room."
Kaitlyn waved goodbye, to Anthony and his mother. Before walking after the guard to join her brother, Chase.
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