Celtic sat at the counter of the Out Of Time Cafe, eating her chocolate milk shake. As she read a book, from the royal Multi-Kin library.
"That any good?"
Celtic turned to see Malia, sitting by her with a can of soda. Malia was pointing at the book.
"Kind of, it's for school."
Celtic shrugged, as she turned back, to her book. She read for awhile, but sensed Malia was still there. Celtic glanced over to see Malia still there.
"Shouldn't you be working?"
"Yeah. But not working, makes April mad."
"OK. But why here?"
"Cause I need your help."
"With what?"
Celtic put her book away. So she could give Malia, her full attention.
"I want to prank Calvin."
As she said it, she pointed over to a table by the door, where Calvin was sitting.
"You wan't to prank the king of the Multi-Kin's?"
"A king, but yes."
"This seems like it's a bad idea. That well get me into trouble, but sure I'll help you."
Malia turned to Celtic.
"So what's the plan?"
"Plan, it's your idea."
Celtic said, as she finished her milk shake.
"Do I have to do all the work, around here?!?"
"Oh, yeah I see your hard at work."
April growled, as she passed caring two trays of food. Malia just rolled her eyes.
"Any ways, any ideas?"
"No. You do know his basically my great uncle, right."
"What, how?"
"Calvin is Chase's uncle. You know Chase my Godfather."
"Oh, yeah I forgot those two where related. Any ways we need a prank."
"Prank? who are you going to prank?"
The two kids turned to see Tori, standing behind the counter.
Malia was cut off by Celtic.
Malia shot Celtic a dark look.
"I don't think you should do that."
"You know what you should do? Work!"
April almost yelled, as she walked past.
"Well she's right, I need to get back to work."
With that Tori left, to take customer orders.
"I need to get back to school. Sorry."
With that Celtic left two. Leaving Malia by herself.
Thursday, July 27, 2017
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Five facts
3,000 years old, ruffly
Addicted to sugar, chocolate is her favorite
When on a sugar high, thinks trees are trying to take over the world
Huge fan of basically everything
Growing up her dreams where, being a mother or a superhero
Loves the stars, almost more than anything
Loves cake might be a addicted
Even tho she's adopted, she is considered the oldest of her siblings
Loves to dance, and is a expert at it
Dislikes coffee
Loves root beer
Because she has Multi-Kin eyes, she doesn't see people but there soul
Even tho she wen't to collage, she's more street smart than any other kind
She has Asthma
Jean doesn't sleep
Owns a book store that is famous, for having almost every book ever publish
Helen's favorite book is actually a series The Kingdom Keepers
Helen's love of books comes from her mother
Helen is deadly terrified of rabbits, for some unknown reason
Helen finished school when she was 17
Elsa favorite book is peter pan
Elsa has never regret the damage she's done
Else's right eye is light green the other is dark green. This happened after she became immortal
Elsa has lost the title Red Cloak Girl because of what she did
Elsa can get along with anyone, but most people avoiding her
Dianna's race is a warrior's race, that believe in having no connection,
Dianna didn't even know she had a sister, Till it was found out Di-Elsa was the one who whipped out Kat's race
Dianna's son Dilance is a clone of Dianna (Story line is based off of x-23)
Dianna never loved any one till she meat her son Dilance
Dianna greats fear is that she lose the title Red Cloak Girl like Elsa did
Lana all ways wanted to have a friend dragon, like her mother had
For the first five years of Lana's life, she had the dark magic
Lana has never had coffee
Lana hates storms, if not fears them
Lana is allergic to all most all nuts
Kat was the first one to forgive Dianna, even before she was proven innocent
Kat can make friends with any one even villains
Kat is very nice, but likes to bug to people for attention
Kat is very like the actually animal Cat
Kat hates water
Roza Laylee and Derek, have been friends since medieval times
Roza is known for her really bad ideas
Roza can't cook at all
Roza has A.D.D this resorts in her running into walls at full sped some times
Roza loves cartoons especially road runner
Spencer is the secant well known Red Cloak Girl among the other adventurer
Spencer is really close friends with Ranger due to him being the mayor of Sanity-falls
Spencer loves running the boarding houses
The steps to the boarding house has the names and initials of the people who has stayed there
Spencer has the training to become a doctor, but runs the boarding house instead
Gena is a huge fan of Sherlock Homes
Gena hates apples, but love apple juice
Gena loves sly fox comics, and has a collection of over 2,000 comic strips
Gena can solve spider solitaire with four decks, under 10 minutes
Gena loves milk shakes
Meg doesn't sleep
Meg is a secretary for a news company, she took the job to learn more about people
Meg loves Justin bieber and one direction
Meg doesn't need to eat or drink, but she do it any ways because it makes her more human
Meg has memorized almost every dictionary
Janet misses her family from her first timeline
Janet has lived 3,000 years and in the three different Multi-Verses
In Janet's secant timeline, she found away to turn off her emotions, she doesn't know or want to turn them back on
Janet is addicted to pretzels and fruit punch
Janet is terrified of thunder storms
Candice loves being a superhero
Even tho she misses her mother, Candice loves her step mother like she did her mother
Candice hates/terrified of fire works
Candice loves her family more than anything else
Candice all ways dreamed of being a superhero, she was so happy when she achieved her dream
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Rule Book: Rule 7
Candice sighed. It was the day, after she was pronounced the next Red Cloak Girl. Jean, Elsa, Dianna, Roza, Spencer, and Janet. Had taken her out to celebrate. Or at least that what they had called it. Candice would describe it, as 'Let's see how much trouble we can cause, before we get kicked out of the store'.
They finely pulled up at the Resort. It was 11 at night, so Candice wasn't surprised, to see all the lights off in the Resort.
The seven of them, filled out of the car. Candice half listened to them. As she climbed the stairs, behind them. They all stopped in the living room, too take off their coats. Just than the a loud crash, came from up stairs. Every one fell silent.
"What was that?"
Jean asked, in a whisper.
"Probably just Whistler, or some one."
Spencer offered, as she moved closer to the stairs. Roza appeared behind them.
"No it's not. Their not here."
"How do you know that?"
Elsa asked, as she walked over to Roza.
"Because they left this note, in the kitchen."
Roza handed them a post-a-note. Jean summoned a flash light. To help read the note.
'We have gone out, to help a old friend that stopped by'
Candice recognize Gena's handwriting.
"OK so if their mot here, than who was that up stairs?"
Dianna asked, in a low whisper. Every one shared a look. Than hulled together. As they made their way, towards the stairs. Dianna was in front, Jean and Janet behind her. Elsa Candice and Spencer behind them. And in the back Roza. They made it half way up the stairs, before one of them spoke.
"Could it be Alanda?"
Roza asked.
"No she left yesterday."
Spencer added. Another crash, came from the next floor of the Resort. They all moved forwards, curiosity getting the better of them. They reached the secant floor. Just in time to see a shadow, cross the hallway.
"You guys did see that right?"
Candice questioned. The other nodded. As they all moved closer, to the door the shadow had entered.
"This is stupid, where all going to die."
Jean said, as they came to a stop in front of the door.
"All ways the optimist Jean."
Janet said. As she pushed forwards, and grabbed the doorknob.
"What on earth are you doing Janet?!?"
Elsa whispered/yelled.
"Solving this mystery Elsa."
And with that Janet opened the door. To review a empty room.
"Nope i'm done!."
With that Jean turned around, a sped walked towards the stairs.
"I'm kinda with her....So bye."
Roza turned around, and raced after Jean. Spencer followed Roza.
"Scared cats!!!"
Elsa yelled after them.
Candice was now backing up. And was hitting Dianna's arm, to get her attention. While pointing at something in the hall. Dianna Janet and Elsa. All turned to see the shadow figure, standing watching them. Janet started to walk towards them, but the figure turned around, and raced towards the stairs.
"Hey get back here!"
With that Janet raced after the figure. Elsa Dianna and Candice followed her. They entered the hallway, just in time. To see Janet tackle the figure, into a wall.
"OK OK get off me!"
The lights came on, as Janet picked her self up.Dianna and Elsa, both stormed towards the figure.
"Iren!! You scared us to death!!!"
Dianna yelled, as she came to stop, in front of the black haired girl. Who was smiling evilly.
"I know that. That's why I did it, in the first place."
The girl pulled her self up, from the floor. Candice recognized her as Lana's sister.
"Why would you do that?"
Candice said, as she tried to calm her heart.
"I really didn't mean to. At first I was looking for my sister, but but than you guys showed up. And I couldn't resist."
Elsa looked like, she was about to kill Iren. Dianna just stormed away. Janet had all ready left, to tell the others what had happened. Iren smiled, as she walked down the stairs. Candice jumped, as Spencer appeared, behind her holding a note book.
"What is that for?"
"It's the rule book for the R..C.G'S And the guardians."
Candice leaned over Spencer's shoulder, and read as she wrought down the next rule.
Please do not pretend to be a intruder, Because you might be attacked for it, and it won't be anyone's fault besides your own-Spencer
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
Whistler's Guardians
First Command
Full Name: Whistler, Kingsly.
Come From: Unknown
Personality: Serious. Funny. Hyper.
Description: Short black hair with blue and pink highlights. Sky blue eyes.
Weakness: Stars. Family. Silver, White Oak.
Back Ground: Whistler's parents where smugglers. On one of there jobs, they were caught. To save their daughters life. Whistler's mother left her, and her father. On an unnamed planet. As she leads the space cops away. Her father was badly hurt tho, and died soon after. Leaving Whistler by her self in a wheat field. Whistler wondered around for a week, till she meat Jenny. Who was just exploring the planet. After a week of being out in the cold nights, Whistler was sick. Jenny took her to a nearby town. The town folks told Jenny, that Whistlers parents where died. They had seen an escape pod crash land a few days ago. Jenny decided to adopt Whistler. The town folks feared the Red Cloak Girl. So the next day when Jenny woke, they told her Whistler died. Jenny left shortly after the bad news. Whistler had survived tho and grew up there till she was 10. When her mother left her Starship as a birthday gift. She made sure Whistler didn't know who it was from tho. Whistler took the ship and traveled to earth to find her adopted parent. She did find Jenny who was now married to Phil and had seven kids. Whistler was adopted into the family as the eight kid. When she turned 18 she left earth and has been traveling the stars since.
Meaning Of Name: The Wind Whistles
Powers: Shapeshifts into any mythical creatures, and has there powers. witch
2 Command
Full Name: Kevin, H, Sayid.
Come From: Austria.
Personality: Hyper, Happy, Optimist.
Description: White hair, Black eyes. Pale skin.
Weakness: His sister.
Back Ground: Kevin's parents had a unplayable debt to Mr white, So Mr White killed them, leaving Kevin and his sister alive. Kevin ran to the U.S.A with his sister, to hide from Mr White. Kevin met Whistler who had taken him home. Jenny and Phil greeted him with open arms. Kevin and his sister lived there for awhile, till Kevin could get his own place to raise his sister. His sister grew up and became a doctor. Well, Kevin ran away with Whistler to see the stars.
Meaning Of Name: Handsome By Birth
Powers: Water bender.
3RD Command
Full Name: Charlie, R, Harkness
Come From: Phoenix, Arizona.
Personality: Hot headed, Driven, Violent.
Description: Red curly hair, Brown eyes.
Weakness: Can't refuse a fight or dare.
Back Ground: Charlie grew up with her two brothers. Her parents where killed on a cruise ship. Her older brother Hans, is a P.O.U.W agent. Her younger brother became a cop. Charlie ran away from home when she was 16. She ran into Kevin who introduced her and Jenny. Phil and Jenny took Charlie in, and raised her for the two years of her childhood. When Whistler and Kevin left on the Milky-way she tagged along.
Meaning Of Name: Free To Dream
Powers: Duplicate herself.
4TH Command
Full Name: Lacey, S, Dilean
Come From: New York, New York.
Personality: Kind, Smart, Engineer
Description: Brown eyes. Red hair with pink tips. Metal arm, and robotic eye
Weakness: Likes her work better then people.
Back Ground: Lacey all ways wanted to visit other planets and life on them. When she turned 17 she joined a space exploration. They crash landed on a planet, where Lacey and the other crew was taken captured, by the hapatents of the planet. After a really bad accident she had to replace her right arm and left eye. Two years later Whistler and her crew rescued Lacey, the other crew members had died. Lacey just never returned to earth, she decided to stick around with Whistler's crew.
Meaning Of Name: As soft as silk
Powers: Can make people hallucinate.
5TH Command
Full Name: Hunter, S, Mace
Come From: Asia,
Personality: Brave. Kind. Cunning.
Description: Black hair, Brown eyes.
Weakness: Love adventures and Fights.
Back Ground: Hunter is from a planet in the Weston time. Hunter and his horse Oklahoma, traveled the planet, as a out law from the government. Ran by Mr White. Whistlers and her crew stopped by to investigate Mr White. After they almost got captured Hunter ran away with Whistler. As her last crew member and Guardian.
Meaning Of Name: A Hunter
Powers: Doesn't have any
Full Name: Whistler, Kingsly.
Come From: Unknown
Personality: Serious. Funny. Hyper.
Description: Short black hair with blue and pink highlights. Sky blue eyes.
Weakness: Stars. Family. Silver, White Oak.
Back Ground: Whistler's parents where smugglers. On one of there jobs, they were caught. To save their daughters life. Whistler's mother left her, and her father. On an unnamed planet. As she leads the space cops away. Her father was badly hurt tho, and died soon after. Leaving Whistler by her self in a wheat field. Whistler wondered around for a week, till she meat Jenny. Who was just exploring the planet. After a week of being out in the cold nights, Whistler was sick. Jenny took her to a nearby town. The town folks told Jenny, that Whistlers parents where died. They had seen an escape pod crash land a few days ago. Jenny decided to adopt Whistler. The town folks feared the Red Cloak Girl. So the next day when Jenny woke, they told her Whistler died. Jenny left shortly after the bad news. Whistler had survived tho and grew up there till she was 10. When her mother left her Starship as a birthday gift. She made sure Whistler didn't know who it was from tho. Whistler took the ship and traveled to earth to find her adopted parent. She did find Jenny who was now married to Phil and had seven kids. Whistler was adopted into the family as the eight kid. When she turned 18 she left earth and has been traveling the stars since.
Meaning Of Name: The Wind Whistles
Powers: Shapeshifts into any mythical creatures, and has there powers. witch
2 Command
Full Name: Kevin, H, Sayid.
Come From: Austria.
Personality: Hyper, Happy, Optimist.
Description: White hair, Black eyes. Pale skin.
Weakness: His sister.
Back Ground: Kevin's parents had a unplayable debt to Mr white, So Mr White killed them, leaving Kevin and his sister alive. Kevin ran to the U.S.A with his sister, to hide from Mr White. Kevin met Whistler who had taken him home. Jenny and Phil greeted him with open arms. Kevin and his sister lived there for awhile, till Kevin could get his own place to raise his sister. His sister grew up and became a doctor. Well, Kevin ran away with Whistler to see the stars.
Meaning Of Name: Handsome By Birth
Powers: Water bender.
3RD Command
Full Name: Charlie, R, Harkness
Come From: Phoenix, Arizona.
Personality: Hot headed, Driven, Violent.
Description: Red curly hair, Brown eyes.
Weakness: Can't refuse a fight or dare.
Back Ground: Charlie grew up with her two brothers. Her parents where killed on a cruise ship. Her older brother Hans, is a P.O.U.W agent. Her younger brother became a cop. Charlie ran away from home when she was 16. She ran into Kevin who introduced her and Jenny. Phil and Jenny took Charlie in, and raised her for the two years of her childhood. When Whistler and Kevin left on the Milky-way she tagged along.
Meaning Of Name: Free To Dream
Powers: Duplicate herself.
4TH Command
Full Name: Lacey, S, Dilean
Come From: New York, New York.
Personality: Kind, Smart, Engineer
Description: Brown eyes. Red hair with pink tips. Metal arm, and robotic eye
Weakness: Likes her work better then people.
Back Ground: Lacey all ways wanted to visit other planets and life on them. When she turned 17 she joined a space exploration. They crash landed on a planet, where Lacey and the other crew was taken captured, by the hapatents of the planet. After a really bad accident she had to replace her right arm and left eye. Two years later Whistler and her crew rescued Lacey, the other crew members had died. Lacey just never returned to earth, she decided to stick around with Whistler's crew.
Meaning Of Name: As soft as silk
Powers: Can make people hallucinate.
5TH Command
Full Name: Hunter, S, Mace
Come From: Asia,
Personality: Brave. Kind. Cunning.
Description: Black hair, Brown eyes.
Weakness: Love adventures and Fights.
Back Ground: Hunter is from a planet in the Weston time. Hunter and his horse Oklahoma, traveled the planet, as a out law from the government. Ran by Mr White. Whistlers and her crew stopped by to investigate Mr White. After they almost got captured Hunter ran away with Whistler. As her last crew member and Guardian.
Meaning Of Name: A Hunter
Powers: Doesn't have any
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Rule Book: Rule 6
Whistler sighed, as she watched her team mates play Wii tennis. It had started out a bright and beautiful day. But shortly after the sun had risen, storm clouds had shown there face. And since then the rain hadn't stopped. Phil had request they stay inside. Jean and few others had ignored his request, and was outside playing in the rain. Whistler was brought out of her thoughts, when Janet beat Dianna, Elsa, and Roza, at tennis. Elsa threw her remote at Candice. A hour into the storm, Every one was suffering from cabin fever. So Jenny set up the Wii. After a yelling contest, Phil set up a turn system.
"I can you beat you at sword fighting."
Candice boasted, as she took her place by Janet.
"Yeah right."
Janet selected, the sword fight. As Spencer, and Iren, joined the other two in front of the TV.
Whistler sighed again, as she sensed a fight was about to begin. As she suspected, Janet easily beat the other three. Iren threw her remote at Janet. Who easily donged. The computer behind her did not tho. Phil and Jenny both ran into the room, from the sound of glass breaking.
"What's going on?"
"Janet is cheating!"
Iren yelled. Janet rolled her eyes.
"Your just a sore loser."
Janet's said smugly.
"I am not, you just cheating!!"
And with that Iren tackled Janet.
Candice standing in between them, jumped back with surprise. A long time ago they had lost the wrist straps, for the remotes. So when she jumped back, her remote flew from her hand, and into the TV.
Spencer dropped her remote with surprise. right on to the floor, where a few secants later,
Elsa stepped on it in her hurry to join the fight. Instead of breaking it up.
As Whistler tried to pull Elsa, Janet, and Iren apart. She was pushed away, right into the TV stand. Causing the TV to fall, and break rest of the way.
Kat who had been napping, on one of the couches, jumped up at the sound of the TV breaking. As she jumped up, she fell backwards off the couch, and onto Helen.
Who tossed the book she was reading, in surprise which hit Roza in the head. As she stumbled back wards, she knocked Dianna and herself to the ground.
Gena and Meg, started to back out of the room, but accidentally tripped over the coffee table.
Jenny who had been standing by watching the chaos unfold, But after Phil, got dragged into one of the many fights. She jumped into the middle of it all, to "Rescue" Phil, but ended up knocking him down. And getting tangled up in the TV cord.
Lana Seeing her sister out numbered. Jumped into middle of the first fight, to help her. Earning her a black eye.
Jean who had come inside, to see what the others where doing. Slowly backed back out side.
Once in the safety of the small tool shed. She summoned the Rule book, and add her first rule.
Be careful around electronics, and all ways have a Wii remote wrist strap. Safety first-Jean
"I can you beat you at sword fighting."
Candice boasted, as she took her place by Janet.
"Yeah right."
Janet selected, the sword fight. As Spencer, and Iren, joined the other two in front of the TV.
Whistler sighed again, as she sensed a fight was about to begin. As she suspected, Janet easily beat the other three. Iren threw her remote at Janet. Who easily donged. The computer behind her did not tho. Phil and Jenny both ran into the room, from the sound of glass breaking.
"What's going on?"
"Janet is cheating!"
Iren yelled. Janet rolled her eyes.
"Your just a sore loser."
Janet's said smugly.
"I am not, you just cheating!!"
And with that Iren tackled Janet.
Candice standing in between them, jumped back with surprise. A long time ago they had lost the wrist straps, for the remotes. So when she jumped back, her remote flew from her hand, and into the TV.
Spencer dropped her remote with surprise. right on to the floor, where a few secants later,
Elsa stepped on it in her hurry to join the fight. Instead of breaking it up.
As Whistler tried to pull Elsa, Janet, and Iren apart. She was pushed away, right into the TV stand. Causing the TV to fall, and break rest of the way.
Kat who had been napping, on one of the couches, jumped up at the sound of the TV breaking. As she jumped up, she fell backwards off the couch, and onto Helen.
Who tossed the book she was reading, in surprise which hit Roza in the head. As she stumbled back wards, she knocked Dianna and herself to the ground.
Gena and Meg, started to back out of the room, but accidentally tripped over the coffee table.
Jenny who had been standing by watching the chaos unfold, But after Phil, got dragged into one of the many fights. She jumped into the middle of it all, to "Rescue" Phil, but ended up knocking him down. And getting tangled up in the TV cord.
Lana Seeing her sister out numbered. Jumped into middle of the first fight, to help her. Earning her a black eye.
Jean who had come inside, to see what the others where doing. Slowly backed back out side.
Once in the safety of the small tool shed. She summoned the Rule book, and add her first rule.
Be careful around electronics, and all ways have a Wii remote wrist strap. Safety first-Jean
Monday, July 17, 2017
Question Time:5
Questions for Candice about here family/guardians
- Are you the oldest among your brothers and sisters?
- No, I'm the 5th oldest
- Are your parents strict?
- No more like the opposite
- Do you have any brothers or sisters?
- Yep, 5 sisters, and 4 brothers
- Do you have to clean your own room?
- Yep
- Do you look more like your mother or your father?
- More like my mother
- What time do you have to be home?
- 11:25
- How did you get your name?
- I was named after a distant aught
- How big is your family?
- Ten kids, Father, Step mom
- How often is your entire family together?
- We spend the week ends together
- What are some of your fondest memories of childhood?
- My mother and Father helping me and my siblings do stuff like art and school
- What are your parents like?
- Funny, kind, Caring, Selfless, Heroic,
- What do you and your family like to do together?
- Long drives, Vacations, Basic spending time together
- What do your mother and father look like?
- Father has blonde hair and brown eyes. My mother had red hair and purple eyes. Step mother has black hair and blue eyes.
- What does your father do?
- His the mayors Body guard
- What does your mother do?
- My step mother is a lawyer. My mother was a secret agent
- What is the best memory you have of your family doing something together?
- I was seven and we played tag for hours
- What's the hardest thing you ever had to do?
- Saying good bye to my mother
- What was the most important thing your parents taught you?
- It is better to be hated than to stand by and watch some one get hurt
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
P.O.U.W or Protectors Of Universe and Worlds. Are the Equalizers arch nemesis. The Equalizers want to take peoples powers, and use them for them self. But they can only do this with the person's permission. P.O.U.W. try's to reach the people before the Equalizers. And convents them to keep their powers, and enjoy them. The universes they work in most, is Marvel and D.C. Along with the others like those. One of P.O.U.W's founding members, is Harry, Jenny's cousin. The other four members of the Guardians work there.
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
Question Time:4
Here is another Question time, with the thirteen Red Cloak Girls
What Time Do You Go To Sleep On A Friday Night?
Jenny: 10:00 PM
Whistler: 4:30 AM
Jean: 1:30 AM
Helen: 9:30 PM
Elsa: 3:00 AM
Dianna: 6:00 AM
Lana:12:00 AM
Kat: 8:30 PM
Roza: 9:00 AM
Spencer: 2:00 AM
Gena: 11:00 PM
Meg: I don't sleep(OK)
Janet: 11:30 PM
Cadence: 2:30 AM
When Do You Get Up On A Lazy Morning?
Jenny: 7:30 AM
Whistler: 11:30 AM
Jean: 5:00 AM
Helen: 6:00 AM
Elsa: 8:30 AM
Dianna: 10:00 AM
Lana: 6:30 AM
Kat: 1;00 PM
Roza: 11:00 AM
Spencer: 5:30 AM
Gena: 8:00 AM
Meg: Again I don't sleep(Yeah I forgot. My bad)
Janet:12:00 PM
Cadence:10:20 AM
Are You A Heavy Sleeper Or A Light Sleeper?
Jenny: I'm a light sleeper
Whistler: Heavy sleeper
Jean: Heavy. I've been known to sleep tho explosions(OK That is very strange)
Helen: Light
Elsa: Light sleeper
Dianna:I can be both
Lana: I am heavy sleeper
Kat: I let no one disturb my sleep.
Roza: usually a light sleeper
Spencer: I have to be a light sleeper, in case a customer needs my help.
Gena: I tend to be both
Meg:I don't sleep(I'm afraid all these questions involve sleep sorry)
Janet: Doesn't this seem creepy to any one else?(I'm just doing my job)
Cadence:Heavy sleeper unlike my siblings
What Do You Do If You Can't Fall Asleep?
Jenny: Cook
Whistler: Sit on the roof and star gaze
Jean: Watch some TV show
Helen: Read a book
Elsa: Listen to music
Dianna: Sit by a window and think
Lana: Sneak into the kitchen and steal some food
Kat: Wake some one up to suffer with me (OK A bit cruel)
Roza: I take a night walk
Spencer: Clean up the boarding house, from the day before
Gena: Solve some random case
Meg: Reprogram the computers. To bug the others
Janet: Sort the stuff in the attic
Cadence: Work on my latest outfit
Do You Sleep Better With The Lights Off Or On?
Jenny: I like the hallway light on, but the bedroom light off
Whistler: The lights off
Jean: The lights on
Helen: The main lights off, but a bedside lap on
Elsa: I like it pitch dark, like my soul (What is wrong with you?)
Dianna: The lights off, but my door slightly open, letting some light in
Lana: The light off, but the curtains open, to let national the light in.
Kat: The lights on, the door closed
Roza: All the lights off and the curtains closed
Spencer: The light off, with a nightlight on
Gena: The lights off, I can think better that way
Meg: Doesn't matter to me. Like I said I don't sleep
Janet: The light on so I can see everything
Cadence: The lights on, in case one of my siblings need my help
What Time Do You Go To Sleep On A Friday Night?
Jenny: 10:00 PM
Whistler: 4:30 AM
Jean: 1:30 AM
Helen: 9:30 PM
Elsa: 3:00 AM
Dianna: 6:00 AM
Lana:12:00 AM
Kat: 8:30 PM
Roza: 9:00 AM
Spencer: 2:00 AM
Gena: 11:00 PM
Meg: I don't sleep(OK)
Janet: 11:30 PM
Cadence: 2:30 AM
When Do You Get Up On A Lazy Morning?
Jenny: 7:30 AM
Whistler: 11:30 AM
Jean: 5:00 AM
Helen: 6:00 AM
Elsa: 8:30 AM
Dianna: 10:00 AM
Lana: 6:30 AM
Kat: 1;00 PM
Roza: 11:00 AM
Spencer: 5:30 AM
Gena: 8:00 AM
Meg: Again I don't sleep(Yeah I forgot. My bad)
Janet:12:00 PM
Cadence:10:20 AM
Are You A Heavy Sleeper Or A Light Sleeper?
Jenny: I'm a light sleeper
Whistler: Heavy sleeper
Jean: Heavy. I've been known to sleep tho explosions(OK That is very strange)
Helen: Light
Elsa: Light sleeper
Dianna:I can be both
Lana: I am heavy sleeper
Kat: I let no one disturb my sleep.
Roza: usually a light sleeper
Spencer: I have to be a light sleeper, in case a customer needs my help.
Gena: I tend to be both
Meg:I don't sleep(I'm afraid all these questions involve sleep sorry)
Janet: Doesn't this seem creepy to any one else?(I'm just doing my job)
Cadence:Heavy sleeper unlike my siblings
What Do You Do If You Can't Fall Asleep?
Jenny: Cook
Whistler: Sit on the roof and star gaze
Jean: Watch some TV show
Helen: Read a book
Elsa: Listen to music
Dianna: Sit by a window and think
Lana: Sneak into the kitchen and steal some food
Kat: Wake some one up to suffer with me (OK A bit cruel)
Roza: I take a night walk
Spencer: Clean up the boarding house, from the day before
Gena: Solve some random case
Meg: Reprogram the computers. To bug the others
Janet: Sort the stuff in the attic
Cadence: Work on my latest outfit
Do You Sleep Better With The Lights Off Or On?
Jenny: I like the hallway light on, but the bedroom light off
Whistler: The lights off
Jean: The lights on
Helen: The main lights off, but a bedside lap on
Elsa: I like it pitch dark, like my soul (What is wrong with you?)
Dianna: The lights off, but my door slightly open, letting some light in
Lana: The light off, but the curtains open, to let national the light in.
Kat: The lights on, the door closed
Roza: All the lights off and the curtains closed
Spencer: The light off, with a nightlight on
Gena: The lights off, I can think better that way
Meg: Doesn't matter to me. Like I said I don't sleep
Janet: The light on so I can see everything
Cadence: The lights on, in case one of my siblings need my help
Monday, July 10, 2017
Five Times The Starry Sky Was Beautiful

Cadence slipped out of the four stories house she called home. He father's girlfriend's family was over for the first time. There was too much noise, to much people and voices. She din't even realize what she was doing, an till she was standing the park, two blocks over from her house. It was small and not really new. She walked over to the only swing, in the park a old tree swing. she looked out over the hill, and into the sky. Her family's pet cat, had followed her and just sat quietly with her.

Cadence's family was out doing school stuff. she didn't have anything to go too, so she had stayed home. But a hour in she had gotten bored and walked to the park again. the sun had set and the city light had come one, making it look like the starry sky, was being reflected. She sat alone for awhile, till a boy her age, sat by her she had seen him around, and knew his name was Walt. They sat in silents for awhile till Cadence, realized that her family would home soon.

Cadence and Walt became friends. They met at the hill on nights, when their family became to much. On this night Cadence's family was having game night the cause that issued was to much for Cadence. So she had gone to the hill, Walt joined a few minutes later, they watched the night sky, fill with birds and stars,

This night was different, they met at the hill. But the park had some other kids playing at it. So Walt had grabbed her hand, and lend her to a valley of flowers. They reached the center, and stopped to watch, the comment shower.

It was prom night. But Cadence had found the party overwhelming, she had exited the school and stood in the courtyard. Watching the starry sky, She nearly jumped when she heard a voice behind her.
"Beautiful night."
Cadence nodded as a response. Walt and Cadence spent rest of the night, watching the sky.
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
Cadence 15TH Red Cloak Girl
Full Name; Candice J Scott.
Come From; South Dakota, Pines Wood.
Personality; Kind, Sarcastic, Quiet,
Weakness; Family, Friends.
Description; Wavy brown hair, Light brown eyes.
Background; Cadence is the fifth child in a family of 12. Her Father is the bodyguard to the mayor. Her mother worked with the first guardian, at P.O.U.W. She went missing when Candice was 13, She was presumed dead, Even tho a body was never found. Candice's family are very talented, most of them got powers when they where older. Candice was first, Carla's best friend Rouge was the first to point out that Candice could copy any one voice or movements. A couple weeks later the entire police force was fired for being crooked, Rouge talked her into becoming a superhero for the town. Her father actually agreed, on the condescension that the moment it got complected she would stop. Candice agreed, She stayed a hero for a while, but a couple years later Gena shows up and says that there a chance that her mother is still alive on a different world. She agreed to go with her and investigate at the moment their still traveling.
Meaning Of Name; A rhythmic flow of sounds.
Powers: Copy Cat
Come From; South Dakota, Pines Wood.
Personality; Kind, Sarcastic, Quiet,
Weakness; Family, Friends.
Description; Wavy brown hair, Light brown eyes.
Background; Cadence is the fifth child in a family of 12. Her Father is the bodyguard to the mayor. Her mother worked with the first guardian, at P.O.U.W. She went missing when Candice was 13, She was presumed dead, Even tho a body was never found. Candice's family are very talented, most of them got powers when they where older. Candice was first, Carla's best friend Rouge was the first to point out that Candice could copy any one voice or movements. A couple weeks later the entire police force was fired for being crooked, Rouge talked her into becoming a superhero for the town. Her father actually agreed, on the condescension that the moment it got complected she would stop. Candice agreed, She stayed a hero for a while, but a couple years later Gena shows up and says that there a chance that her mother is still alive on a different world. She agreed to go with her and investigate at the moment their still traveling.
Meaning Of Name; A rhythmic flow of sounds.
Powers: Copy Cat
Tuesday, July 4, 2017
4TH Of July Party
Phil's and Jenny's 4th of July party, was in full swing. All the Red Cloak Girls, and their Guardians, was gathered around the three fire pits, set up in the front yard. Every one had actually showed up, even Jean and Iren, probably the two people who hated party's the most. Janet still hadn't arrived tho. Jenny stood by the food table, quietly eating some chocolate brownies. When her twin sister walked up to her.
"Can I talk to you for a minute, Please?"
Jenny nodded and followed her sister skipping, all the way to the forest that surrounding the Mansion. Phil caught Jenny eyes for a minute, and Phil knew that it wasn't anything to worry about. Once they reached the clearing, that everyone usually handed out in, It was empty besides tho, Besides Janet's Guardians, Malcolm and Anna Lucia. Jenny disappeared for a minute, but reappeared hanging upside down, from a tree branch nearby.
"So..What's going on?"
The three shared a look before Malcolm stepped forwards.
"Janet tried to get out of coming to the party."
Janet crossed her arms but didn't say anything. Malcolm continued.
"She picked up a case, from some random guy in jail."
Jenny turned to look at her sister.
"It's a long story."
Anna Lucia continued the story.
"So we went with her to investigate."
Malcolm picked up the story again.
"At first we thought it was nothing, but we soon relived that the jail guy was right."
"He has a name."
Janet finely spoke up, Every one ignored her tho.
"The jail guy."
"Said that a city had disappeared."
Anna Lucia interrupted Malcolm, and continued the story.
"Upon farther investigating, we found the town hadn't disappeared, but had fallen under a weird spell of shorts."
"Before you say it, yes we did try and break it, but its connected to the person, who casted it."
Janet said as she leaned against a tree. Jenny didn't respond, but instead flipped off the tree branch. And landed in front of Anna Lucia.
"So whats the problem?"
"We think she's feeding off the emotions, of the people in the town. We where wondering, if you now of something like that?"
Malcolm responded. Jenny didn't have time to respond. Because Phil entered the clearing.
"You guys disappeared, and everyone was getting worried."
"Don't worry the trees didn't eat us."
Jenny responded, as she appeared behind Phil. Ever Phil was use to this, or didn't notice, ether way he kept talking.
"The others sent me to find you guys."
"Where fine."
Phil ignored Janet's sharp tone, and continued to talk.
"So whats going on?"
"Janet has a mission for us."
Jenny exclaimed, as she appeared in the tree, behind Janet with a brownie.
"What mission?"
"Some one in the town of elements, is finding off peoples emotions."
"Like the Motus pascens?"
Everyone turned to the opening, of the clearing to see the new comers. At the head of them was Jean, who had spoken.
"You finely meet them, it took you long enough!"
Jean looked at Jenny, who was now eating cake.
"How do you know that? That's in my timeline not your's"
Jenny didn't say anything, but shrunk into the forest looking guilty.
"What are Motus Pascens ?"
Anna Lucia asked, as Jean and Micheal, moved to stand by Malcolm.
"Its a species that can feed off, of peoples emotions."
Micheal explained. Jean spoke up.
"Their reviles with the multi-kin. We ran into them last week."
"So that's it? they feed off peoples emotions."
"If they feed off of a large enough group, they can grow stronger then a Multi-kin."
Jean said as a cookie appeared in her hand.
"Theirs two types of them, one feeds off the bad emotions, and the other the good ones."
"How do you tell the different?"
"When they feed, they return to their true form, The ones that feed off the good emotions, turn to a yellow light."
Micheal picked up where Jean left off.
"The others turns to a Gray light."
"We actually saw the person...well the light, it was gray."
"Than the only way to stop them, is to hit them with dark energy."
Jean said as her eyes fogged over, for a few secants. but went back to normal.
"The more emotions they feed off of, the more dark energy it takes."
"Well it's just one town."
"Actually it's five towns, ruffly 567 people, give or take a few."
Jenny said as she appeared by Phil, and liked arms with him.
"That will take a lot of dark energy."
Micheal said, as the last of the people arrived.
"Well that would be Jean, Micheal, Iren, Spencer, and Janet."
"Yes Janet you."
Janet sighed but didn't say anything.
"Well we should be going, Away from this party and every one here."
Iren said before a portal appeared and she stepped tho, the other four followed her, apologizing for leaving the party early. The other people stood around for awhile, but than decided to go back to the fire pits, and continued the party,
Time Jump
The sun was beginning to set and, Micheal and the others hadn't returned yet. Jenny was slowly eating a piece of pizza. Locking around hoping to see her friends return. No luck tho. She walked over to Phil, who was just standing supervising everyone.
"I wounder how it's going?"
"I'm sure their fine."
"I know, But their taking forever."
"Who's taking forever?"
Jenny turned around, and tackled/hugged Janet, who had just come tho one of Iren's portal. Iren was the last one to come tho the portal, she walked over to her sister, Well Jean and Micheal headed to the food table, Spencer walked over to Phil, Well Janet tried to escape Jenny's arms.
"How did it go?"
Phil asked once Spencer reached him.
"All right. We didn't fight her tho."
"How did you defeat her then?"
"The other four fought about emotions, and it annoyed her so much she left."
"Well if it works, it works."
"I guess. I'm going to go take the pizza away from the twins, before they start a food fight."
Spencer walked over to the food table, to stop what looked like a fight about to start. At this time Janet finely broke away from Jenny, and made a quick exit to one of the fire pits. Jenny looked sad for a minute, before she skipped over to Phil.
She sang, as she liked arms with him again.
"It's Forth Of July, I want fire works."
"OK. the sun is setting, It should be dark enough, once you guys get to the top, of the water fall."
The property was huge. and if they didn't seem rich enough, they had a waterfall not that far away from the house.
Jenny teleport over to the fire pits, one by one, and spread the word. Well Phil brought out the firecracker, he had bought the week before. Every headed to the top of the waterfall, Besides Phil, Whistlers, Spencer and Tom,
Like Phil had said, the sun had set, when they got to the top of the waterfall. They only had to wait a few minutes before the firecrackers started. It was beautiful, and all around it was a peaceful night.
"Can I talk to you for a minute, Please?"
Jenny nodded and followed her sister skipping, all the way to the forest that surrounding the Mansion. Phil caught Jenny eyes for a minute, and Phil knew that it wasn't anything to worry about. Once they reached the clearing, that everyone usually handed out in, It was empty besides tho, Besides Janet's Guardians, Malcolm and Anna Lucia. Jenny disappeared for a minute, but reappeared hanging upside down, from a tree branch nearby.
"So..What's going on?"
The three shared a look before Malcolm stepped forwards.
"Janet tried to get out of coming to the party."
Janet crossed her arms but didn't say anything. Malcolm continued.
"She picked up a case, from some random guy in jail."
Jenny turned to look at her sister.
"It's a long story."
Anna Lucia continued the story.
"So we went with her to investigate."
Malcolm picked up the story again.
"At first we thought it was nothing, but we soon relived that the jail guy was right."
"He has a name."
Janet finely spoke up, Every one ignored her tho.
"The jail guy."
"Said that a city had disappeared."
Anna Lucia interrupted Malcolm, and continued the story.
"Upon farther investigating, we found the town hadn't disappeared, but had fallen under a weird spell of shorts."
"Before you say it, yes we did try and break it, but its connected to the person, who casted it."
Janet said as she leaned against a tree. Jenny didn't respond, but instead flipped off the tree branch. And landed in front of Anna Lucia.
"So whats the problem?"
"We think she's feeding off the emotions, of the people in the town. We where wondering, if you now of something like that?"
Malcolm responded. Jenny didn't have time to respond. Because Phil entered the clearing.
"You guys disappeared, and everyone was getting worried."
"Don't worry the trees didn't eat us."
Jenny responded, as she appeared behind Phil. Ever Phil was use to this, or didn't notice, ether way he kept talking.
"The others sent me to find you guys."
"Where fine."
Phil ignored Janet's sharp tone, and continued to talk.
"So whats going on?"
"Janet has a mission for us."
Jenny exclaimed, as she appeared in the tree, behind Janet with a brownie.
"What mission?"
"Some one in the town of elements, is finding off peoples emotions."
"Like the Motus pascens?"
Everyone turned to the opening, of the clearing to see the new comers. At the head of them was Jean, who had spoken.
"You finely meet them, it took you long enough!"
Jean looked at Jenny, who was now eating cake.
"How do you know that? That's in my timeline not your's"
Jenny didn't say anything, but shrunk into the forest looking guilty.
"What are Motus Pascens ?"
Anna Lucia asked, as Jean and Micheal, moved to stand by Malcolm.
"Its a species that can feed off, of peoples emotions."
Micheal explained. Jean spoke up.
"Their reviles with the multi-kin. We ran into them last week."
"So that's it? they feed off peoples emotions."
"If they feed off of a large enough group, they can grow stronger then a Multi-kin."
Jean said as a cookie appeared in her hand.
"Theirs two types of them, one feeds off the bad emotions, and the other the good ones."
"How do you tell the different?"
"When they feed, they return to their true form, The ones that feed off the good emotions, turn to a yellow light."
Micheal picked up where Jean left off.
"The others turns to a Gray light."
"We actually saw the person...well the light, it was gray."
"Than the only way to stop them, is to hit them with dark energy."
Jean said as her eyes fogged over, for a few secants. but went back to normal.
"The more emotions they feed off of, the more dark energy it takes."
"Well it's just one town."
"Actually it's five towns, ruffly 567 people, give or take a few."
Jenny said as she appeared by Phil, and liked arms with him.
"That will take a lot of dark energy."
Micheal said, as the last of the people arrived.
"Well that would be Jean, Micheal, Iren, Spencer, and Janet."
"Yes Janet you."
Janet sighed but didn't say anything.
"Well we should be going, Away from this party and every one here."
Iren said before a portal appeared and she stepped tho, the other four followed her, apologizing for leaving the party early. The other people stood around for awhile, but than decided to go back to the fire pits, and continued the party,
Time Jump
The sun was beginning to set and, Micheal and the others hadn't returned yet. Jenny was slowly eating a piece of pizza. Locking around hoping to see her friends return. No luck tho. She walked over to Phil, who was just standing supervising everyone.
"I wounder how it's going?"
"I'm sure their fine."
"I know, But their taking forever."
"Who's taking forever?"
Jenny turned around, and tackled/hugged Janet, who had just come tho one of Iren's portal. Iren was the last one to come tho the portal, she walked over to her sister, Well Jean and Micheal headed to the food table, Spencer walked over to Phil, Well Janet tried to escape Jenny's arms.
"How did it go?"
Phil asked once Spencer reached him.
"All right. We didn't fight her tho."
"How did you defeat her then?"
"The other four fought about emotions, and it annoyed her so much she left."
"Well if it works, it works."
"I guess. I'm going to go take the pizza away from the twins, before they start a food fight."
Spencer walked over to the food table, to stop what looked like a fight about to start. At this time Janet finely broke away from Jenny, and made a quick exit to one of the fire pits. Jenny looked sad for a minute, before she skipped over to Phil.
She sang, as she liked arms with him again.
"It's Forth Of July, I want fire works."
"OK. the sun is setting, It should be dark enough, once you guys get to the top, of the water fall."
The property was huge. and if they didn't seem rich enough, they had a waterfall not that far away from the house.
Jenny teleport over to the fire pits, one by one, and spread the word. Well Phil brought out the firecracker, he had bought the week before. Every headed to the top of the waterfall, Besides Phil, Whistlers, Spencer and Tom,
Like Phil had said, the sun had set, when they got to the top of the waterfall. They only had to wait a few minutes before the firecrackers started. It was beautiful, and all around it was a peaceful night.
Monday, July 3, 2017
Chapter 2: Spencer's Beginning
There is a small town, in middle of the Nevada desert, About a days drive, away from the famous Las Vegas. No one knows how or when it was founded, not even the residents. But that's a different story. Are story is about a young girl, by the name of Spencer, she grew up in this little town, and was content on staying there her whole life, only her parents wished a different path, for their middle child. So they moved to Augusta Maine. She lived there till she was a adult, and was actually happy.
Till tragedy strikes, a letter arrived from the small town, saying her Grandmother was died. Spencer and her grandmother was all ways close. Spencer even believed the story's her Grandmother told her, about the monsters that came into town, and the rips in time that could lead any where. Her parents saw these story's as crazy nonsense, that was a bad influence, on the young Spencer, that was the reason they had moved. The letter said that Spencer's grandmother had died in a fire, she had set to her boarding house. And what was left of the house, was left to Spencer. Being a adult Spencer, went back to the town, despite her parents wish's, she arrived in town, and it was exactly the same as when she had left. Only this time she saw them. Her grandmother's story's where true she saw the monsters and rips in time all over town, not only could she see them she could also hear them the whispers the monsters gave to the humans slowly but surly driving them insane or the rips and where they lead. Her grandmother wasn't insane like everyone thought. Spencer rebuilt the boarding house and reopened it too, and soon it was crowded and over flowing with people, weather from town or just passing tho. To the point that the house couldn't take any more. She built three other houses, Shortly after, Spencer's school friends showed up. And offered to help her with the Boarding houses, she agreed, but the happiness didn't last long, after a strange woman fell, through the opening of one of the rips in time. She was strange but kind, and could see the monsters two. Spencer knew she was powerful and wise, so she asked the woman, to teacher to fight the monsters, trying to take over her town, the woman agreed. And in a short 2 years, Spencer not only could fight the monsters, she could also close the rips. But then the woman left, saying she couldn't hide there for every, and her family would be looking for her. So she left, but not before giving a red cloak, to Spencer and telling her where to find a magical house, and a princess there to explain everything. Then she was gone, Spencer did as she was told, and found out she had been picked, to become the Legendre Red Cloak Girl. Spencer took the job and even got her friends to help, and soon the 10th Red Cloak Girl, was as must as a legend as the ones before her.
Till tragedy strikes, a letter arrived from the small town, saying her Grandmother was died. Spencer and her grandmother was all ways close. Spencer even believed the story's her Grandmother told her, about the monsters that came into town, and the rips in time that could lead any where. Her parents saw these story's as crazy nonsense, that was a bad influence, on the young Spencer, that was the reason they had moved. The letter said that Spencer's grandmother had died in a fire, she had set to her boarding house. And what was left of the house, was left to Spencer. Being a adult Spencer, went back to the town, despite her parents wish's, she arrived in town, and it was exactly the same as when she had left. Only this time she saw them. Her grandmother's story's where true she saw the monsters and rips in time all over town, not only could she see them she could also hear them the whispers the monsters gave to the humans slowly but surly driving them insane or the rips and where they lead. Her grandmother wasn't insane like everyone thought. Spencer rebuilt the boarding house and reopened it too, and soon it was crowded and over flowing with people, weather from town or just passing tho. To the point that the house couldn't take any more. She built three other houses, Shortly after, Spencer's school friends showed up. And offered to help her with the Boarding houses, she agreed, but the happiness didn't last long, after a strange woman fell, through the opening of one of the rips in time. She was strange but kind, and could see the monsters two. Spencer knew she was powerful and wise, so she asked the woman, to teacher to fight the monsters, trying to take over her town, the woman agreed. And in a short 2 years, Spencer not only could fight the monsters, she could also close the rips. But then the woman left, saying she couldn't hide there for every, and her family would be looking for her. So she left, but not before giving a red cloak, to Spencer and telling her where to find a magical house, and a princess there to explain everything. Then she was gone, Spencer did as she was told, and found out she had been picked, to become the Legendre Red Cloak Girl. Spencer took the job and even got her friends to help, and soon the 10th Red Cloak Girl, was as must as a legend as the ones before her.
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